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  1. tgoodmanbilbe

    chick with bent neck

    One of my 2 month old Polish chicks went to bed fine last night, but this morning wouldn't leave the coop. I went in to see what was wrong, and she was on the ground looking like she was struggling keeping her head up. She is still alive, peeping, responsive, intermittently walking a few steps...
  2. tgoodmanbilbe

    Get off my porch!!!

    ACK! My free rangers are driving us crazy leaving a minefield of poop all over our porch…every day! At first they were going for the dog's water bowl, then we moved the bowl out into the yard and off the porch. But the benches and rocking chairs and swing are just too inviting for roosting, I...
  3. tgoodmanbilbe

    Flock of chicks sick--odd neck movements, barely moving, eyes mostly closed...HELP!

    I had a flock of 20 chicks, currently 5-7 weeks old, various breeds (Polish, Silkies, Marans, Cochins, Sultans, Barred Rock, Americaunas)...and we've been losing them (already 4 have died, and an increasing number seem to be following suit quickly!). First symptoms seem to be the chicks...
  4. tgoodmanbilbe

    Coccidia...Sulmet...Molting...OH MY!

    So, about a month ago, my fenced in flock (13 hens and 1 roo of 1.5y olds and 10m olds) started with super stinky diarrhea. Took a sample into the vet. Found coccidia. Treated the flock with Sulmet (Vet said to ask the Feed Store about treatment with regard to the egg laying issues). Feed...
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