Flock of chicks sick--odd neck movements, barely moving, eyes mostly closed...HELP!


7 Years
Apr 29, 2012
I had a flock of 20 chicks, currently 5-7 weeks old, various breeds (Polish, Silkies, Marans, Cochins, Sultans, Barred Rock, Americaunas)...and we've been losing them (already 4 have died, and an increasing number seem to be following suit quickly!).

First symptoms seem to be the chicks standing very still under the heat lamp in the hen house, not pecking or wandering or interacting.

Then the chicks start raising their heads up in the air and then jerking their necks back periodically, sometimes letting out a gasp.

Their eyes are most often closed and glazed over or even watery.

There's definitely not weight gain, nor do they seem to be eating once the sickness progresses to a certain point.

In the final stage they're seemingly paralyzed and asleep, then fall over on their sides, and eventually the breathing stops.

This seems to be spreading more rapidly now as another passed today and three more are beginning the initial stages.

I'm not noticing anything unusual in their excrements.

I've got fresh, clean crumbles for them to eat...fresh water...yogurt...clean bedding (rice hulls)...clean feeders/waterers...

What could this sickness be? And is there anything I can do to stop it?

Should I be quarantining the sick-appearing chicks? (Not sure how to know which ones might be exposed but not showing signs of sickness yet and need to be separated?)

Any medications? Other treatments? I was going to try some pedialyte based on other threads, but is that as a waterer substitute?

So worried...as are my five young children who are just devastated that their sweet chicks are all dying!


Do u have other chickens? Are both eyes affected? Are they wheezing? It sounds like maybe the head movements could be gasping for air?
I have a flock of 2-3 year old chickens, but they are kept in a chicken yard and coop on the other side of our property from the henhouse where the new flock of chicks are located.

It does look like both eyes are affected. Maybe the neck jolting and head movements are a wheezing or gasping for air? Not sure?

And I don't know if they're all vaccinated for marecks? They came from two different feed stores as well as two local individuals who were selling from their homes (but I believe these sellers were selling from some other hatchery).

Does this sound like Marecks? If so, is there anything to do about it? And should I try to quarantine those still looking healthy, or is it too late?
Look up crazy chick disease it is vit e deficiency
Doesn't sound like Crazy Chick Disease. The chicks stand still under heat. Heads look almost reflexive in their intermittent neck jolts. Mostly looks like they're sleeping with eyes closed and very inactive.
Thank you! I'm going to try to catch a video tomorrow in the daylight...a video will describe the behaviors much better.
Unfortunately, no. No one seems to know what this is. I've been asking my local chicken friends as well as feed stores. I want to take a video to post, but I was unable to do that today. Surely someone has seen this before? We have 3 sick with this behavior now, and we've already lost 4. From the time we first notice the bizarre behaviors to the time they have died has been about 3-5 days.

We quarantined the 3 we see who are not well, and we're treating all of the flock with some pedialyte. We cleaned the hen house (AGAIN), put new bedding in (AGAIN), sanitized the waterers and feeders, and gave everyone some plain yogurt and fresh food. We're hoping that we can boost the immune systems of all the chicks, and praying that we can save the ones who remain.

Interesting to note that the 3 sick and quarantined chicks did totally perk up and scratch around when they were placed in the crate in isolation with new bedding to scratch. But that only lasted for 5 minutes until they looked once again paralyzed with odd neck movements/gasping and closed eyes.

Fingers are crossed!!! For you, too!!

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