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  1. maryclark17

    Hen wont stand or walk right

    Yup put a rubber glove on and felt inside. And shes about 2 years old. And we had so many hens but were pretty sure she's been laying
  2. maryclark17

    Hen wont stand or walk right

    One of our hens has been fine, but today she wasnt walking or standing right. She also keeps putting her tail to the ground. Her vent area is also beet red. We didn't feel any eggs stuck in her. Any ideas would be appreciated!
  3. maryclark17

    royal Palm Turkey feather loss

    He does have mites but we tried everything to get rid of them. And none of the other birds have mites
  4. maryclark17

    royal Palm Turkey feather loss

    We don't have any Turkey hens. Just young chicken hens. And they are all out in the yard together no fence separating them. He's about a year old
  5. maryclark17

    royal Palm Turkey feather loss

    Male royal Palm is losing feathers on his chest. Any ideas?
  6. maryclark17

    Turkey losing feathers

    I have a royal Palm Turkey. Lately he has been losing his feathers. Mainly the loss is on his chest. Any ideas?
  7. maryclark17

    Rooster mating with pullets

    We've never had babies around him..Just another rooster we got rid of about three months ago. And hes a very friendly rooster so were not killing him.
  8. maryclark17

    Rooster mating with pullets

    How long will that be?
  9. maryclark17

    Rooster mating with pullets

    I have year old rooster, he is trying to mate with our two month old pullets. He doesn't seem to be hurting them. Should we let him go and do it or separate him until they are older?
  10. maryclark17

    Naked Neck - Roo?

    I have two Naked Necks mixed with Black Copper Maran. I know for sure one is a roo, but the other has a black/yellow comb and isn't as big. I say its a female, but parents swear its a rooster. I posted pics off all my chicks in a post asking for help sexing them, but no one replied. Any help...
  11. maryclark17

    Bird Mites on Royal Palm

    We just got a Royal Palm tom on Saturday. Come to find out he is LOADED with bird mites. We put DE on him. How long will it take to kill the mites and get rid of them. We like to hold him, but don't like the mites all over us.
  12. maryclark17

    How to take a full grown tom home???

    Hello, we are getting a full grown Royal Palm Tom either at the end of week or nexk week...We are picking him up at the woman that is selling him...What should we put him in to bring him home? We don't want him just sitting in the back for obvious reasons....pooping and making a mess...
  13. maryclark17

    narragansett turkey life span

    Hello, Im thinking of getting a turkey poult as a pet. I dont plan on eating him. How long do they live for? Ive heard the bronze dont live long because they get big and have a heart attack..but what about the narragansett turkeys?
  14. maryclark17


    Thanks! I dont know if I can ask this here, but ill risk it... I plan on getting a duckling...can they eat the medicated chick feed? I heard both ways that it was the older feeds, but the newer stuff is fine, then ive heard none of it is good...
  15. maryclark17


    Hello, Im Mary! I own a french copper maran rooster and as an easter present I just got 11 chickies. They are French copper marans, Rhode Island Reds, Naked Necks Marans, and White crested polish!
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