How to take a full grown tom home???


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 28, 2013
Hello, we are getting a full grown Royal Palm Tom either at the end of week or nexk week...We are picking him up at the woman that is selling him...What should we put him in to bring him home? We don't want him just sitting in the back for obvious reasons....pooping and making a mess...
Hello, we are getting a full grown Royal Palm Tom either at the end of week or nexk week...We are picking him up at the woman that is selling him...What should we put him in to bring him home? We don't want him just sitting in the back for obvious reasons....pooping and making a mess...
We used a Large dog crate. I would suggest the plastic kind with some shavings in the bottom if you have access to one. might check with your local vet if you need to borrow/rent one for the day. possibly local shelter might loan you one for a security deposit and donation.


clean it up well prior to returning it to make it easier for the next person please.
We used an extra large dog kennel. The previous owner had used a net to catch them and then handed them to me by the feet while they were upside down. Didn't like the net part because I thought she was going to hurt them, but they weren't hurt as far as I know, except he seemed to have a cough afterwards (might have had it before, but that's all beside the point of your question LOL.

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