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  1. MaineGuy1984

    First eggs layed this morning!!!

    As they are their first eggs layed, they where small, but my family and I are all very excited and proud of our girls laying these beautiful small eggs this morning, cooked them up for breakfast, and omg they where SO much better than any store bought egg I have had in my 28 almost 29 years of...
  2. MaineGuy1984


    We have an assortment of chickens, we have Cornish Rocks / Tetra-Tint / Rhode-island Reds / Leghorn. Combined we have 34, lol. 7 of them (The cornish rocks.) will be freezer bound in around 5 weeks, these suckers grew quick! Loving every moment of them, they sure are quick to get around, and...
  3. MaineGuy1984


    Hey all fellow Mainers, My family and I live in Milo, Maine. Been raising our first batch of chickens for less than a month now but, all is going well. Loving it all!
  4. MaineGuy1984

    Talking to your chicks, bad or good?

    I tend to go out and enter the chicken coop and talk with my chicks, I know that their animals and a few of them will be freezer bound in a few weeks but, I just wondered if anyone else did this, it's kind of an experiment to see if I can de-stress them with people being around, and maybe if...
  5. MaineGuy1984

    Wondering if these really are Cornish Rock Crosses

    They sort of look like my Tetra-Tint chickens I have.
  6. MaineGuy1984

    Newbie from Maine!

    Well my wife and I recently started our own chicken flock with several breeds because we were unsure of what would work out best, we have Cornish Rocks / Tetra-tins / Leghorns / Rhode island reds, they all seem to be doing well, their all just a few weeks old, but so far so good, had a scare...
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