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  1. PrepperNerd

    Reds pecking at the can I stop them?

    So we had 2 Isa Browns, and an Australorp Bantam. We added two Rhode Island Reds, segregated them for a month, then put them in with the others. They seem fine apart from the fact that the Reds (one in particular) keeps pecking at the feathers on the back of the Isas, and has also pecked to...
  2. PrepperNerd

    Ideas on what happened???? Two Dead Chickens

    Bit of background: Annie had been unwell with what the vet diagnosed as a respiratory ailment of some kind. She (and the rest of the flock) were being treated with Tylan and have been for 3 days. I had three Isas in one coop, two Australorps in another. The Australorps were 'integrating'...
  3. PrepperNerd

    FINALLY, more eggs!

    Our big girl Annie has been laying most days (I think they're sort of around 27 or so hours apart, so some days there was no egg) for a while now. I did notice a very strangely shaped egg on the floor yesterday (I asked the girls who laid it, but nobody owned up - typical!), it looked almost...
  4. PrepperNerd

    BUGGER. I think it's Coryza

    My biggest girl, Annie, now has a DISGUSTING smell around her beak in addition to the rasps and sneezing. No discharge/mucky/eyes/nose etc but it's starting to look like Coryza - what's worse, we bought two more chickens from the same breeder on the weekend and one of THOSE is now sneezing :(...
  5. PrepperNerd

    New Additions to the Coop - Two black Australorp Bantams

    And they are just GORGEOUS! The one on the left is Olive, she's ALMOST at POL. The one on the right is Rainbow (because Miss 14 wanted her to have an 'ironic' name as opposed to a 'mainstream' name) and she's laying already. They're currently in the isolation coop (old guinea pig cage...
  6. PrepperNerd

    'Throaty' chicken??

    We've had our girls for about 6 - 7 weeks now. Since we got them, the one I assume to be the eldest (she has a bigger comb by far and her legs are much scalier) has done this little 'sneeze' thing on the odd occasion. I let them out today though (for the first time since the dog attack), and...
  7. PrepperNerd

    Thought I should introduce myself

    Since I so rudely signed up and just started asking for help, lol. Hubby and I are Preppers, we have four kids aged between 4 and 14. We dream of the day we can buy our 'Dreamstead' and live reasonably self-sufficiently, but for now we're in a rural town running a computer repair business...
  8. PrepperNerd

    Relatively new chicken attacked by dog - help!

    I'm new to the forum but have been reading for a while to figure out the best way to raise the chickens we planned to get. We built a pen and chose four Isa Browns. We've only had them for about a month, so although they've been handled by us and were free-ranging around our yard unworried by...
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