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  1. songbird

    DIY Duck Feed vs DIY Chicken Feed

  2. songbird

    DIY Duck Feed vs DIY Chicken Feed

    We just lost a (fairly large) hen yesterday to a RSH.
  3. songbird

    DIY Duck Feed vs DIY Chicken Feed

    We lost a pretty big hen yesterday to what I think was a RSH. It could have been a red tail, but we have a RSH nest just beyond our paddock, so I figured that was the villain.
  4. songbird

    Do you free range your chickens?

    Oh, they absolutely will take a chicken! I lost a hen yesterday to a RSH while my husband was standing about 20 ft away! We have had a couple of hawk attacks over the years but this one was especially awful because we were right there, so assumed the hens were safe. Do not let your guard down!!!
  5. songbird

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    Agree. We lost our crazy hen, Cuckoo, yesterday to a RSH while my husband was about 20 feet away.
  6. songbird

    Calling all duck poop experts! Black duck poop!

    Lurking here, and so glad to have read this! Every single day my 3 ducks turn their pond water literally black. It is NASTY! I thought it was black algae but there is no possible way algae can grow that fast and do so overnight. They do come out almost every day and they absolutely play in the...
  7. songbird

    (Well-meaning) human predators in the chicken run, Oh No!

    I am a parent of 5 kids, all born within a span of 5 1/2 years top to bottom. I also am a neurotic parent of lots of pets (comes with the territory of being a veterinarian.) I think you did a wonderful job and I think it’s delightful that the kids went to the effort of bringing treats for your...
  8. songbird

    people with house chickens

    I fully intend to have a house chicken some day when I am too old and rickety to care for a coop. I have forewarned my kids, and told them they will have to come visit me once every day and change my lap chicken's diaper. As for now, only Gentle Lentil comes in the house. Every day, waits at...
  9. songbird

    HELP! Nigerian vs. Nubian???

    The in the owner of the goat. Who cares if it's a boy or girl. Can you bring in a Nigerian to be friends with a Nubian wether, or would the Nubian be too big and rough?
  10. songbird

    How do I get rid of house sparrows?

    Hi all, I know this is an old post but an ongoing problem. I have watched HOSP murder a tree swallow mama on her nest. This was after they drove off our bluebirds one year, and pecked holes in the skulls of barn swallow nestlings. Wretched, wretched creatures. I am going to buy a trap. But...
  11. songbird

    help! hatching okay?

    Thanks for your help. The little peeper from yesterday is a perfect yellow chick this morning. The egg that is half zipped is silent and still...doesn't seem alive, but I will give it more time. I think I will move the chick inside this morning (afraid it will fall out of the nest) and move...
  12. songbird

    Need help with hatching

    Please try to be constructive. I came here for a advice on how to help my hen and chicks. I did not come here for insults. I am not shaking the eggs, I am picking them up to make sure they have a date on them. If no date, I pull them out. Don't people pick up their eggs to candle them? The...
  13. songbird

    help! hatching okay?

    Thanks for your input. The eggs were laid at different times and were added to the clutch she was sitting on (by the hens who were sneaking in.) So the latest additions won't be ready until 2/21. How can I see if the chick is "saran-wrapped?" If I were to move mom and eggs into the house...
  14. songbird

    help! hatching okay?

    Hi, Sorry to be panicky, but this is my first time awaiting grandchickens. So many questions I just can't quite find the answers to. I have a hen sitting on 10 eggs, which unfortunately were laid over a span of about 7-10 days. First chick hatched 2 days ago. 1) If eggs have a pip or part of a...
  15. songbird

    Is incubation time for eggs the same when they're under a broody hen as when they're in an incubator

    Sorry to jump in on an old post, but what breed/breeds is that little spotted cutie???
  16. songbird

    Chick speaking inside egg, how long to hatch ?

    ha ha, I hear you on the 5 kids so who knows where anything could be. Same for me. I am searching this thread because my buffy is hatching her first chickies, and these are my first chicken grandchildren.
  17. songbird

    Need help with hatching

    I don't know the day because they were staggered. I would guess the start date was around 1/20 for the earliest 3 eggs, and I know 1/31 for the final eggs because that's when I labeled them all. So 21 days after the latest additions would be 2/21. This morning I noticed one egg with a zipper...
  18. songbird

    Need help with hatching

    Hi Everyone, I am a first time chicken grandmother, and I hope you can help me figure out what is going on with my mama hen. I have a buffy sitting on eggs in the coop. Unfortunately, the eggs are staggered probably over a span of a week, as other hens snuck their eggs into her nest and my dh...
  19. songbird

    Wounds -what type of predator does this?

    Not a snake, too cold in New England. I wondered whether the wounds could have been secondary to the hens pecking at the prolapse. But they seemed awfully big to be from hens. I wish she could talk!
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