Is incubation time for eggs the same when they're under a broody hen as when they're in an incubator

The snow I mean! We got our first snow of the season and they went to run out of the coop and stopped at the door! It was funny, they all ran into each other cause no one would go out! :)
Well, for some reason its not letting me post anymore. Ill try again tho later!
You sure are lucky to be able to find jobs every season! I wish I could find me something!
Im so glad the new couples are getting along so well! You turned out to be a great chicken matchmaker! :) lol. And the one is laying little eggs! So exciting! It sounds like you made her a nice comfy nest! Did you cut all the grass for her nest with scissors or something?? Is that why it wore you out? I hope she appreciates all your effort! :) I think one of my young ones have finally started laying! Ive found a few small eggs in one of the nests this week. Theyre too small to be from the Biddies and theyre brown so they arent from Belle or Misty, so im thinking its one of the snow birds. Theyre plenty big enough and are supposed to lay the bulk of their eggs from october thru may. Im going to look at everyones wattles when I go out later and see if maybe someones are redder than the others like you mentioned. Ive got a pic of one of the little eggs next to the Biddies eggs to show the difference.
Weve been decorating for christmas here! Im a bit behind but ive been doing it a bit at a time. Ill take some pics when I get it all done up! Do you put up a real tree or do you have a fake one? I just wondered if theres any real pine trees there! What do you have planned for Christmas? We always drive up to see my parents and grandparents.
Heres something funny! Duckie the cat has decided to be a chicken! Hes been staying in the coop with all the chickens! I got a pic of him and Pickles the roo in the nesting room. He hasnt bothered them and they dont seem to mind him so ive let him stay in there with them. Silly cat! All right, ive gotta go for now but ill try to put some more pics up later! :)
Wow, lots of snow! They are VERY cute!
Sorry I haven't replied in so long, I was away for a week on holidays, I got someone to look after the animals...
How have you been? How did you spend Christmas?
Yeah, it is very easy, I have the same job though every summer and every winter so I don't find a new one every season...

Haha, a chicken matchmaker!
Yeah, she is laying very well now, every day!
Actually I used wire cutters, made the job a bit easier than with scissors.

Oh that is so exciting, how are they now? Still laying?
Nah, we have a fake tree, cant find any real ones...

Haha, silly little Duckie, how are they getting along now?
By looking at your physical location, If the eggs were chilled before your hens took to the nest, no they will not hatch. If the eggs were not chilled before incubation began, in 21 days (three weeks) you should hear the peeps of baby chicks. All things taken together, meaning without too much of the bad kind, but with enough of the good kind of human intervention or inattention, fertile chicken eggs hatch just as well or maybe better in an incubator as they do under a mother hen. The idea behind an incubator is to as closely as possible mimic the conditions under the brood hen. If this is done correctly then there is no difference in time between hen hatched or human hatched baby chicks.
Okay I know ive been gone for a bit and im sorry! I havent been able to get online in a LONG time! I dont have a computer AT ALL anymore and my line for the Internet was messed up again so I couldnt even use my phone. Plus a lady went and wrecked into me driving and didnt have a license or insurance and my insurance wont cover it so ive been busy trying to figure out how to get that fixed. And about a dozen other things! I swear I cant catch a break! On the plus side every one of my chickens have survived this horrid cold. Pickles the roo got a bit of frostbite on his comb but its already healed up so thats good.
weve had subzero temps off and on for over a month now, but an ends in sight finally! Anyway, I do hope youve been doing well, and Hope I hear from you! Sorry again for being absent so long!

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