Is incubation time for eggs the same when they're under a broody hen as when they're in an incubator

You did an awesome job setting those pens up! That worked out pretty good! I bet they are loving it! Poor Tweetie! Lol, he needs to be "hen-pecked" but not too much? Hahaha. They sure did turn out handsome! And I like that little speckled chicken,shes pretty. Your yard still looks like its summertime! Everything here is getting browner by the day!
You knit the stuff I dont have the patience to sit and do! Ive only made 2 blankets and I thought id never get them done! I always feel the same when I make scarves. I like smaller stuff cause theyre quick and I can make a lot of em. Im always in a hurry to see it all done! Lol. Ill try and post some pics later today. Ill take one of the fall trees outside, even with all the brown theyre beautiful right now.
Haha, thanks, Tweeties pen is not very nice because i got those rediculous things from Oh well, it works, see how i use the cardboard box? It works pretty well because i have covered the one side of the pen with a plastic tabble cloth (
), however, it works really well! The picture of the tree is a huge tree that overhangs Tweeties cage, well not exactly huge but big, it blocks lots of the rain!
I havent named my little hen yet, would you like to help, i just cant think of anything that suits her, she is very quite and goes to bed early, she respects Midnights space and only eats the food if he calls her over, she is such a little angel.
Yes, everything just gets more summery here in the winter, the grass grows tall and the trees leaves turn green again, in the summer, because it is sooo hot everything dies and the fields are all brown along with the trees...
I have a really neat plant in my garden, i dont know what its called but in the summer it is green, at christmas time it is red and in the winter time it is golden, it never dies though, i got it last Christmas and i love it!
Alright, i should go feed the animals, talk to you soon!
I still think you fixed them up real nice! The table cloth and cardboard were a good idea too. Same with setting it all up under that tree (I love the trees you have there, they look so tropical and different!) That plant you have sounds neat! Do you know what it is? I like plants that grow all year. I ended up bringing as many of mine inside as I had pots for! I like to have stuff growing on even in the winter, its nice to have greenery when everything else is brown and crunchy! I saw something in a garden magazinze about making pepper plants into bonsai trees so Im trying that out with a couple of my garden peppers. It turned out pretty cool looking so I hope it doesnt die off!
That little hen sounds sweet! You could call her Dapple. Like how the sun shines through the leaves in the woods and looks all soft and dappled on the ground. Thats what I named one of my speckled hens just cause thats what I think of when I see her. Apple and Dapple, her and on of her sisters whose got the same pattern. The 3rd sister has speckles that are a lot smaller and more spaced out, like little stars. Got any good star names? Ive finally figired names for everyone else but her. Well, sort of. The 3 red hens are all Henny Pennys, like the 3 old black hens are all the Biddys, and the 2 anconas-theyre black with white speckles-are the Squints(i dont know why, but they bring to mind a scientist that wears those thick, black glasses, the squints) and then Ive gotten to where I call the 3 brahmas(my favorites, theyre just so sweet and friendly) my snow birds, cause they make me think of big snowy owls.
Okay, Ive finally got some pics to put on here this time!
Well itll be a bit before I get some pics on here! my computer is totally broke. :( Sigh.i hope I can figure it out enough to save my pics, ive got years worth on there.
I wish I could show you a pic of Belle!shes one of the ee's and shes molting and looks so silly! Shes got feathers sticking out in every direction, like shes been standing in a wind storm. So funny. :)~
So how are midnight and tweety doing in their new spots? Did you decide on a name for the new girlfriend?
I found a brown egg in one of the nests today but I think its from one of the Biddys. It was big and perfect, not like what you said a first egg will probably look like. I was so excited for about 2 seconds :) lol!
im going to try and mess with the stupid computer again while the girls are asleep! Jims talking non stop about hunting(for the past 4 such a patient person, or so i keep reminding myself:) )but as long as im nodding like im listening he doesnt know any different so nows my chance to see what I can do with it. Tallk to you soon tho!
Ok, I'm going to try and post some pics but Im not sure if its going to work. I dug out one of my old computers and Ive managed to get the internet going on it (obviously I guess) its saying my browser isnt compatible. This is so complicated! Anyway I'm going to try it anyway! So here goes!
Well that didnt work at all! :mad: im back to trying to figure out how to post em with my phone. Im glad I had this phone or I wouldnt be able to talk at all! Im going to try again with this phone and see if I can figure this out at least!
Sometimes they hatch out a few hours, or 1/2 sooner or later. If a incubators set say .5 degrees lower, it could be longer, which is safer than it being set higher. In this case the mothers right on time. That is her timing and that may very a few hours from what man call's the perfect time.

I would candle the eggs. I candle my goose or duck eggs when I let them set. I discard the rotten one's.

On the nesting after chicks hatch, I would lower it to ground level so the hen and her chicks can forage out in the yard, and tuck way when they feel the need.

I would watch her around other chickens. I have seen other chickens attack and run with lil chicks, and every chicken in the hen house followed suit. The lil chick was dead in no time. The chick was a Buff, and RIR's did the attack. I had to catch the rest and separate the hen and her chicks from the cannibal's . Good Luck!
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