Is incubation time for eggs the same when they're under a broody hen as when they're in an incubator

Ahhh, i havent been on in SO long, my internet wasnt working.... At least i managed to get everyone "winterfied" lol, not even close, i havent changed anything yet...
Today it was raining so i tried to get them warmer but didnt work...
Yes, i will name her Dapple, now i need to think of another name too for Tweeties girlfriend, i havent decided who i want yet, i am between two... I will send you some old pics to see if you remember them!
You can tell if they are laying by the color of their comb, it will turn red (well reder than it was) and yeah, the eggs will have a funny shape at first...
Dont worry about the pics, i am patient too. :p
Ok, so what has happened in the two weeks that i was missing? Anything exciting? I have some exciting news and some sad news...
Ok sad news first, the old grey cat that i had passed away BUT a new one came along, she is white and she is SO friendly, i will sit down and she will crawl in my lap and fall asleep... Her name is Lilac! Hehe, do you like the name?
Ok, now help me decided out of the two pullets for Tweetie:
Ok first choice:

This darling little pullet (these are old pics so she is much older now but just an idea, she is still small)
I am not sure about her because he might pick on her because she is small and shy...

2nd choice:

Yes she does look scary here but it is only because she has a dull eye...
She is bigger than him and will put him in his place but she might be too tough for him...

I need help!! :p
Im glad your back! I was startingg to wonder but im glad everythings fine with you! Im am sorry to hear about your cat. :( Lilac showing up tho is nice! :) I like her name, it fits, her being so sweet.
Im bummed I cant put pics on but I figured out how to fix it but Ive got to buy a new part first.
I cant choose between tweetys chicks. You could put both of em with him for a bit and see who gets along best. I like the black and white on just cause shes pretty, I like her blue legs too. The first almost matches him tho, theyd look pretty together :)
Im sure if theyre getting plenty of treats tho,whoever you pick will get along well enough. If they dont, it wouldnt be too long before they showed you!
Again I am so sorry that I haven't been on in forever, it started getting cold here and I had to get things ready...
Yes it is sad but she was old and Lilac showed up so everything is fine.
I chose the black one, I thought he would need a good peck in the head now and then.
They are getting along fine now and I should be getting eggs near Christmas from both the couples.

So what is new with you? Have you found a new house yet?
Hooray! Your back! I was really missing talking to you! I thought for sure youd gotten sick of me! Im glad you picked the black hen to go with Tweety, theyll make some neat chicks together! Plus a peck on the head never hurt anyone either! Lol. So whats new with you???
No, we havent found a house yet. Im still lookin but we might hold off til after winter. Its been alot harder than I thought to find something where we want and that has everything we need. That and we both are dragging our feet a bit just because we really do hate to have to leave here even tho we know itll be for the best.
So I havent lost a single chicken since the worm problem. Everyone is actually doing wonderful. No eggs from the younger ones yet. Theyre all just about the same size as the older girls now. My snow birds(the brahmas) are actually already a bit bigger than the older ones now.
Weve got another new dog too. Shes a little beagle and smells horrid. Jim found her down at the trailer. Shed been sleeping in a pile of leaves in the yard down there. He opened the truck door and she jumped right in. An old man recognized her after she'd been here a week and took her home but 4 days later she was back. So shes been here ever since. I figure if her owners really cared theyd have come looking for her. Im sure the old man that took her back told them where we lived. Shes a good hunting dog but she really smells like one! :) like old socks. Lol
harvest time is done so its slowed down quite a bit, but hunting season is in now and jim has been talking about it NONSTOP. Its gotten to where ive tried turning on the vaccuum to get him to shutup for awhile but he just talks louder, I tried going to the bathroom but he just stands outside the door and talks, and so I tried pretending to fall asleep. He actually "woke" me up so he could keep talking. Good lord my ears are ready to fall off! Lol.
Well ill stop for now, gotta get the girld to bed! Talk to you soon tho!
I missed you too, don't worry, I didn't get sick of you, just very busy... I got started on my winter part time job running a kids clothing store so I have been VERY busy... Yes, the couple is getting along wonderfully, I am going to have to move them soon because winter is here and that little coop is sloping from all the wind, I am scared it will fall over one day... I just have to find the time to do it... The other couple on the other hand are also doing wonderfully, little pullet has started laying eggs :)ya) every other day, the first time I saw one was in a little make shift nest she had made (so cute) I could tell that she was going to start any time soon because her wattles had gotten VERY red. I took the egg inside and got to work on her nest, their coop is pretty small, like you can tell in the pics so the nest had to be small which is fine because she is small (lots of small things... :p) so I stapled plastic around a little plastic box like thing and cut lots of grass (I got very tired from doing it :th) and lined the nest with it, it is quite nice I have to admit and she lays the eggs in it every other day, so proud! Maybe that is a sign that you shouldn't move... :gigJust kidding, after Christmas sound good. It will be lots of fun to help plan the new coop with you, I cant believe I am getting excited over your move... :p
Speaking of Christmas, do you have anything special planned? It is my favorite holiday, not just that day but decorating and everything... Have you decorated yet? I have, so lovely. :celebrate
That's good, the worm thing is over.
Yeah, same here, the younger ones are bigger than the older ones, I find it amusing.
Yet the young ones still get picked on...
Oh that is very exciting, 3 dogs now, make sure she is sterilized so that you don't get any pups... Haha, I hope she isn't in the house, I cant imagine my house smelling like stinky socks...
Hunting, oof, I don't like hunting one bit... Poor you, cant get away from it...
I have to go, I think I will be on again soon but I cant promise anything...

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