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  1. Pepperwolfe

    Watch out for deadly cat food lids, they bite back.

    Okay so I gotta rant.. I finished the chicken run for the girls. They stopped laying for a bit so I decided not to work on improving their coop until they get more settled in. In the meantime, I move over to my garden and begin to clear it so Mom can plant her veggies and whatnots in it...
  2. Pepperwolfe

    logging on from Central Fl

    Hey all. I found this website because of Mom! She had a few old hens last spring and was going to let them go. Someone talked her into ordering more chickens with the deal that Mom would provide the supplies and this person would provide the labor. Well, the deal broke and Mom has all these...
  3. Pepperwolfe

    First they were laying 5-9 a day and now its down to ONE?

    I'm a newbie here and even after living on a farm as a kid I'm still at times confused. Mom has 15 Ameraucanas that started laying eggs about a month or two ago. they're less than a year old and since we went from a few old hens and an old rooster, I went ahead and expanded the chicken run to...
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