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  1. kcplantgirl

    Dead bird, pale comb - what to do??

    I found one of my hens, Nugget, dead this afternoon, curled up like she was just sitting there and then died. I don't see any injuries, parasites, etc. The other two seem fine. Nugget did seem to always have a pale comb and eyes. I've been getting cracked eggs from one of the for a few days...
  2. kcplantgirl

    Lethargic hen, comb color off, not eating much

    Hi everyone, this morning I noticed one of my Rhode Island Reds (9 months old) sitting in the coop for awhile, which is unusual. The rest of the day she has been very lethargic, walking slowly, not pecking and scratching much. She will drink some water. I've isolated her in a cage, given her...
  3. kcplantgirl

    New to chickens in Kansas City!

    Hello! I just finished my chicken coop last week and look forward to getting my first ever chicks in a few weeks! I'm very excited! I'm in the Kansas City, MO, north of the river area. Looking forward to learning lots from all of you!
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