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  1. Rachel25

    What breed is this??

    Please help me identify this chicken. She was found in our neighborhood last night. I have a RIR and a Golden Sebright but have no clue what this one is. She doesn't even have a comb. Thanks.
  2. Rachel25

    mean chicken

    Just thought I would comment because I have a RIR who behaves the same way although not all the time. She has made me bleed by pecking my hands and if I ever wear flip flops she gets my feet! I don't have any idea why she does this but it hurts! Most of the time I get mad and push her away, she...
  3. Rachel25

    Broody Bantam???

    I have a Golden Sebright Bantam and I read that they are not supposed to be broody but she has been displaying some weird behavior. She resides with a Rhode Island Red who lays every day. My Bantam does not lay every day and has not for the last two days. She has taken to sitting on the Rhode...
  4. Rachel25

    Chicken Crops

    I am new to chickens and have a Bantam and a Rhode Island. My latest question is concerning their crops. My chickens seem healthy and happy are are laying daily. Today I noticed that their crops seemed quite full and pretty firm. Is this normal or should they be much softer??? I feed them...
  5. Rachel25

    Who's tired of the killing?

    You don't need to be killing a fox who is just acting according to his instincts, they have to survive too. Its disheartening when our chickens are killed but you have to realize that these predators are out there and live your life accordingly. For every fox you kill there will be another to...
  6. Rachel25

    Newspaper Eating

    They live in a huge flight cage and have a huge crate which I turned into a home for them. I used the newspaper on the bottom of the crate and then have pine shavings on the top. They pull the newspaper out from under the shavings and tear it up. I think I should just use pine shavings alone. I...
  7. Rachel25

    Newspaper Eating

    Hi all, I am new to raising chickens and have a Rhode Island and Golden Seabright. They both love to tear up and shred newspaper but I noticed this morning that my Seabright tore off a small piece and ate it. I think I should remove all newspaper from their area but am wondering if this can hurt...
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