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  1. BrookBottomFarm

    Multi-Chick ID Help: Some mysteries to me, and some I'm second guessing.

    Hi, all! I ordered 15 (+1 "mystery chick") of "Murray's Choice Layers" from McMurray Hatchery, and there are a few I haven't been able to positively identify. They are supposed to be pullets (except for likely the "mystery chick," which I also can't determine). I figured I'd post to see if...
  2. BrookBottomFarm

    Mystery chicken killing young pullets

    I have a small flock consisting of 6 mature hens, a rooster, and (had) 7 pullets, about 4 months old... that is until they all started being taken out by one or more of the older chickens! Our coop and run are pretty large. We have had several larger flocks than the current size live there...
  3. BrookBottomFarm

    Duckling Hatch: Normal?

    Today is day 28 for my broody khaki campbells (there are 2 hens setting), and last night, two of the eggs had pipped. This morning, however, one of the eggs looks like it is almost completely missing the hard outer shell, but the duckling is still in the egg's membrane and doesn't look to have...
  4. BrookBottomFarm

    3 Broody Khaki Campbells Sharing Nest

    Everything I've read about khaki campbells indicated that they don't frequently go broody or hatch ducklings. Imagine my surprise when, not only did one of my khaki hens decide to sit on a nest, but somehow convinced 2 others to join her on the same nest! To start, she had 8 eggs in her clutch...
  5. BrookBottomFarm

    Finding local duck breeders (PA)

    I am trying, desperately, to find hen ducks and having zero luck. I've joined and asked in multiple Facebook groups, Craigslist, local feed stores, etc. to no avail. I am really seeking adult hen ducks, as I have lost some of my females to a mystery predator, and now my 2 drakes are throwing off...
  6. BrookBottomFarm

    Khaki Campbell Disappeared: Long shot, but could she be on a nest?

    Hi all! I have a flock of khaki campbell ducks that are housed overnight and free range on our 13 acres during the day. About a month ago, I began to notice one or two of the girls would disappear for a couple hours each day. I searched high and low, but have never found a nest of eggs anywhere...
  7. BrookBottomFarm

    Bald Eagle Hunting Ducks?

    Yesterday, as I walked outside, I was greeted as usual by the enthusiastic quacks of my 6 khaki campbell ducks as they hung out around the pond. When I called back to them, I was startled as a huge bald eagle took off from a tree at the edge of my yard! Having a duck house near the pond, I...
  8. BrookBottomFarm

    Bald Eagle Hunting Ducks?

    Yesterday, as I walked outside, I was greeted as usual by the enthusiastic quacks of my 6 khaki campbell ducks as they hung out around the pond. When I called back to them, I was startled as a huge bald eagle took off from a tree at the edge of my yard! Having a duck house near the pond, I...
  9. BrookBottomFarm

    What the heck is this “Mystery Exotic” chick?

    My friend got this chicken from McMurray hatchery as their free “mystery” chick, and we’re all stumped. 6 weeks old exactly. What could it be? Roo? Thanks for any help!
  10. BrookBottomFarm

    Female ducklings question

    Hi there! Last year, I bought 2 Khaki Campbell ducklings who ended up both being drakes. As the only two ducks I had at the time (and a large pond & yard for daytime free ranging), they haven't had many troubles together. No aggression, and they seem pretty bonded. This year, however, I decided...
  11. BrookBottomFarm

    Ameraucanas (Easter Eggers) from McMurrary: Plumage color variety?

    I have an order of "Ameraucana" chicks placed with McMurray, and am just wondering what variety of colors to expect? I know they are actually Easter Eggers, and don't really care either way, but I'm just curious what color varieties others have received. I'm expecting mostly a medium brown...
  12. BrookBottomFarm

    16 week old Dominiques: These are all roos, right?

    This spring, I bought 4 "orpington pullets" from Tractor Supply that quickly turned out to be Dominque chickens. I was on the fence about their sex when they were younger, but now I'm fairly certain that my 4 pullets are all roosters. I haven't heard any crowing attempts yet, and they don't spar...
  13. BrookBottomFarm

    10 Week Old Khaki Campbells

    Hi there! I have a pair of khaki campbells that are 10 weeks old, and I was wondering what opinion you might have about which sex they are. Every day, I change my mind based on their looks, and though I've been working on getting them to trust me with pea treats, I haven't been able to...
  14. BrookBottomFarm

    8 Week Old Barred Mystery Chicks

    Hi! I got these 4 supposed "orpington pullets" from our local Tractor Supply at the end of March. At the time, they were little gray and yellow puffs that I didn't know much about other than what the tub they were in at the store was labeled. At first, I thought perhaps they were black...
  15. BrookBottomFarm

    Killer Attack Flock and a Traumatized Young Hen

    I need help with an issue we've never encountered before. We have a mixed flock of 12 mature australorps and wyandottes. This spring, we mail-ordered and hatched out 5 chicks. They were kept separate from the flock and weren't introduced until 10 weeks. We did everything you are "supposed"...
  16. BrookBottomFarm

    Hello. I'm new here.

    I've lurked around the forums for a while now, but figured it was about time I made an account and joined in. We have a small hobby farm, and a selection of chickens, among them Ameraucanas, Australorps, Wyandottes, and then a few mystery barnyard hens from a mystery breed rooster. I'm looking...
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