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  1. weinstein-farm

    5 week old Wyandotte batch

    Sure. Hopefully these are more helpful. 1) 2) Closer view of a GLW 3) These are the two from picture 6. The one on the left has more black feathers and started out with white fluff, which had me confused. 4) You mentioned the possibility of roosters. I was thinking both of the BR's were...
  2. weinstein-farm

    5 week old Wyandotte batch

    I got a batch of Wyandottes about 5 weeks ago. In that time I've done a lot of research as to what breed/gender the birds are. I think there are 2 Barred Rock (pic 4), 2 Gold Laced Wyandottes (pic 2 and 6) and 6 unknown Wyandottes I originally thought were Silver Laced Wyandottes, but have...
  3. weinstein-farm

    What Breed of Chickens Do I Have????

    Awesome. Thanks i really appreciate the answers.
  4. weinstein-farm

    What Breed of Chickens Do I Have????

    These are our larger laying hens. 2 Golden Sex-Links and 3 Reds. The babies have a lighter coat and beak as well as white around the eyes and ears. Where as the reds have a pinkish color. The head of the australorp/easter egger. Brown eyes 7 spike comb. Sorry for the quick responses, we've...
  5. weinstein-farm

    What Breed of Chickens Do I Have????

    It has a head similar to the Australorp in the first picture with off-white feet. I guess that means she is an australorp. I have three larger rhode island red hens and the two you called reds look a little different. I'll post some better pictures of them all.
  6. weinstein-farm

    What Breed of Chickens Do I Have????

    Thanks for the responses. The black one you were asking about has a pinkish color around the ear and the legs/feet are slate almost black. I was almost wondering if he was a rooster or a jersey giant because of size difference.
  7. weinstein-farm

    What Breed of Chickens Do I Have????

    My little sister joined the 4H club a few months back and we received 10 pullets of random breed. Some we were able to figure out quite quickly while others we are still unsure about. We should have received 2 of 5 different breeds, but we think we got 4 Australorps. We also have 2 White...
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