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  1. twadwis

    what is wrong

    I have a hen that hasn't laid an egg for months. I have corrected her diet, she has a light and a box she seems happy with. I do think she sometime produces but they aren't 'eggs' but odd shaped (sometimes round sometimes log like) yellow/cream/brown shaped solid putty lumps. One thing I think...
  2. twadwis

    loosing feathers

    I only have one hen and she is currently kept is a small, basically a 2 bird coop. The weather in Wis has been really cold and she spends most of her time up in the nesting boxes. I began noticing a lot of feathers in the one box and other than her tail is gone she doesn't look bald any where...
  3. twadwis


    I inherited a couple of old hens from my neighbor. Both have their beaks cut back and poorly done at that !! One's is too short and is like a short duck bill in that it is rounded which makes it hard for her to peck. The other is even worse because the bottom is not cut and sticks out way beyond...
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