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  1. StickyChicky

    Dead chick with mama hen

    Hi all - We have a hen with a huge amount of eggs under her. We were thinking it was day 20 or 21 and just found a wet newly hatched chick right in front of the mama hen, dead, and no shell. The guts are pulled out a little at the umbilical cord, like it hatched prematurely. We're wondering...
  2. StickyChicky

    Predator attack... skull exposed... put out of her misery?

    Hi all - Last night there was a predator attack in one of our coops that houses 4 Dominique chickens. We suspect possum as two chickens had the guts torn out. The other two chickens survived the attack, but we are trying to decide what to do with them. One seems like it might make it though...
  3. StickyChicky

    New Bantam Momma Hen & Chick

    Hi! My Dutch Bantam hen went broody when we were on vacation. On a nest of several eggs, she only hatched one. It's now one week and one day old. They seemed to have been doing very well all week - getting out and about the yard as our flock free-ranges. Today I've been working at home and...
  4. StickyChicky

    New Member / love this site!

    Hi all - just joined. Had chickens as a young girl living on a farm... am now in my 40s and trying to pick it up again. Wow! So much to learn! We went on vacation a few weeks ago and came home to two hens gone broody on a mix of different eggs... we have 2 Australorps, 1 BCM, 1 Buff Brahma...
  5. StickyChicky

    Updates on chicks with slipped achilles / spraddle leg

    Hi all - I have a chick who is having trouble walking and have read many posts from people dealing with it during first few days/weeks... Would anyone who has dealt with this mind giving me an update on the chick - on how it's doing months/years later? Just curious... thanks! :)
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