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  1. smiddendorff

    Ameraucana Hen or Roo??

    About 18 weeks ago, I purchased 4 Ameraucana chicks....3 out of the 4 have turned out to be roos. Well...this little guy (or gal) has yet to crow, so it has me wondering if it's not a girl.... It does make noise that sound more like a duck or a dinosaur, but no crowing. All the others were...
  2. smiddendorff

    My Mystery Chicken

    Okay....I thought this little baby was a Black-Sex Link roo, but now that it's 7 or 8 weeks old with a comb no larger than my females, I'm starting to question it......What kind do y'all think it is??? Is it even a roo??? I was thinking it could be a Cuckoo Maran....just don't know....
  3. smiddendorff

    Easter Egger's beard feathers being plucked

    I have a poor chicken that is getting her beard feathers plucked only after she drinks water. I have put the culprit in isolation, but I am not sure why it's happening. Plus my EE just sits there letting it happen! I've read about it being from boredom, but they free range all day. So I am not...
  4. smiddendorff

    3 Days of Tylan and still sneezing

    I bought a 6 week old Buff Orpington that turns out is having some respiratory issues. She had been sneezing with a runny nose and not interested in eating or drinking. After giving 1/10 cc of Tylan 50 (this was suggested by the vet), she showed signs of improving over 2 days. Even on day 3 all...
  5. smiddendorff

    Sexing Speckled Sussex

    My mother brought home a Speckled Sussex today. They lady told her it was a pullet, but I'm not quiet sure. I think he/she is about 6 weeks old, could be a tad older. Please help me.....I'm hoping I can give it a girl's name (fingers' crossed). I've already had to get rid of my pretty Easter...
  6. smiddendorff

    Need Help Sexing 2 Easter Eggers!

    First of all let me just say I'm new to the world of backyard chickens. I wasn't planning on getting chickens until next year, but a lady was getting rid of her chickens due to various circumstances. I picked up 3 pullet sex I thought. After much research, I found out that these guys...
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