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  1. Amanda

    Look what I found in my hay

    so cute! did you bring him in side?
  2. Amanda


  3. Amanda

    Silke Hen-Somethings wrong-NEW PICS!

    Quote: My broody silke sounds like an alien when she sees me coming her way. One of the noises I have ever hear come out of one of my chickens.
  4. Amanda

    Faked out Chicken!

    Er… not everybody looks at their chicken butts’ everyday or so? My son and I have been doing a vent check once a day lately, yesterday we had two mystery eggs, we still don't whom they came from. We even did side by side comparisons yesterday lol.
  5. Amanda

    My son and our silkie rooster

    oh, sad. not sure what to tell ya. I bet sombody else will know. Maybe he learned the boys are scared of him???
  6. Amanda

    What do you get when you.......

    omg! can you imagine seeing that face and not knowing it was from watermellon?!? too cute
  7. Amanda

    What are these?

    looks like some type of chokecherry??? do a google image search for chokecherry, see if that helps.
  8. Amanda

    Run Plans?

    Quote: Mac~you are good!
  9. Amanda


    My son is still at home, but I have some ideas for care packages. Favorite personal care products (shampoo, soap etc), clean bedding, gift cards to grocery store, gas cards, phone cards, a jar filled with little "remember when we/you..." notes. And remember this is why the last 18 years have...
  10. Amanda

    Mother hen needs advice about cocky young roo

    Thanks for the input. Sometimes I just need to know we are "normal". I had not thought about the g-parent visit/need time for adjustment. But I think that is it, even thou my rents are not easy on him, (they expect him to be helpful/polite, etc). I think he feels more independant n grown up when...
  11. Amanda

    Need to vent, sorry...(LONG)

    So sorry for you and your families run of bad luck! Hope things start to look up for you soon. :aww
  12. Amanda

    Mother hen needs advice about cocky young roo

    My 17 year old son returned last night from a week away w/ my parents at a "wilderness ways" gathering. My parents told me they received many compliments on how helpful and nice my son is. So far today he has tested me to the point of me wanting to kick him out two times! He gets so stuborn (no...
  13. Amanda


    I'm in Dayton, MN. Home to 8 bantams: 1 red cochin, 2 old eng game, 2 black silkies, 2 golden sebright hens, 1 golden sebright roo (free to a good home). 1 border collie, 1 terrier mix, 1 cat (thinks he's a dog), 2 love birds....I think that is it..
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