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  1. ChikBee

    The run is loaded with flies

    I have had great success with sprinkling diatomaceous earth on the ground especially in the areas they roost and poop the most. I sprinkle some in there nest boxes too and helps with mites. Been using it for years and love it. It’s great for killing fleas ticks and other bugs in comes in contact...
  2. ChikBee

    Review by 'ChikBee' in article 'Chicken Behavior The Ignorant Gal's Guide To Things No Sane Person Would Tell You About Chickens'

    Humor and chickens just go together so well! Hilarious and well done! I have had chickens now for 6 years with some heartaches and a lot of laughs along with bewilderment. I can’t imagine life without my “ladies” now and will always have them around as long as I can keep the coops clean!! And...
  3. ChikBee

    Could these 2 be roosters?

    Thank you! I needed confirmation. I’m not an expert on Roos. Lol
  4. ChikBee

    Could these 2 be roosters?

    Thank you for your reply! I looked at their feathers near the tail and watched their behavior as well. Having confirmation from others helps because I have to decide what to do with them. 😬😬
  5. ChikBee

    Could these 2 be roosters?

    I recently had 6 young chickens pop through a hole in my fence. They must have run off from their home during the fireworks last weekend. I am currently trying to find out where they live but if I cannot locate their owners I may have to add them to my flock. My question is: do these two look...
  6. ChikBee

    What Breed of Chickens Do You Have?

    I have 4 ISA browns and a little black banty who has to live separate from everyone else because she is very old and mean. LOL
  7. ChikBee

    If you kept only one breed...

    I have not owned many different breeds. My new batch of Isa Browns are my favorite so far. All four are very friendly, never fight with each other, follow me all around the coop, jump in my lap and lay ALOT of eggs! I’m very happy I got them a few months ago from Tractor Supply when the Covid...
  8. ChikBee

    Fun "Social-Distancing" Things To Do With Chickens During Covid 19

    Ok I’ve been a member for 4 years and have only used this site for references and advice. So here’s what I’m doing while staying home ... I went out and bought 4 baby chicks, ISA browns. They are currently in my house under a lamp and being handled quite often by me and my husband. He is smitten...
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