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  1. kevinwood

    Lobster shells

    Someone just told me that you can give your chickens lobster shells and the "guts" from the shelling process. We are having fresh lobsters for Christmas and I am wondering if this is a safe thing to do?
  2. kevinwood

    Mixed run confusion

    Hello Again, At what age would you consider butchering them?
  3. kevinwood

    Mixed run confusion

    Hi, I had originally planned on doing that, having grown up visiting my grand parents farm and helping with that chore, however my wife is having no part of that. I will look into the two places you mentioned - that's a great idea. I was just thinking that maybe some food kitchens that feed...
  4. kevinwood

    Mixed run confusion

    Hi, We had it the other way around and so did some other back yard chicken aficionados but others said the same thing as you. Some of the Amercaunas that we've seen [photos of the hens also have fairly pronounced combs.
  5. kevinwood

    Mixed run confusion

    Nine weeks ago my wife and I got 15 mixed run chickens from a friend of a friend. They are a mixture of Plymouth Rocks, Buff Orpingtons and either Ameraucanas or Easter Eggers( there seems to be a lot of confusion on these breeds). Naturally they are starting to get their adult features and...
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