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  1. MeaganHH

    Got a hen on eggs under a storage building

    So we had two hens that got out of my mother-in-law's coop, they were out with the two roosters. And I noticed one kept disappearing and I never could find where she was laying her eggs. So after two days of not seeing her at all she finally showed up back in the yard. I made it my mission that...
  2. MeaganHH

    Woke up to a dead chick

    I'm not sure what a rough service bulb is... It's just a normal bulb, the same as we use in the house. I have already buried the body. But will keep those addresses handy incase I lose another. Would I have to take the body to them?
  3. MeaganHH

    Woke up to a dead chick

    The brooder is just under 3'X3' with a hinged hardware cloth top. Only one corner is heated with a plain Jane 60w light bulb. It doesn't put off a lot of heat, but it's been in the high 70 and low 80 during the day here. Nights have seen in the low 50s and last night dipped to 48, and I cover...
  4. MeaganHH

    Woke up to a dead chick

    This morning I went out to check on my babies and noticed all the chicks huddled up together in one corner, all except one chick who was too still alone under the heat lamp. I opened the top of the box and no one moved, which is odd, and I touched the lone chick, nothing. I picked her up...
  5. MeaganHH

    New, free, used coop... Help

    Ok, I'm new to raising chickens (my first batch of chicks is currently in box on porch) and I was offered a free coop and run from a friend of my stepdad's father, who had gotten rid of his chickens a while back. I had no clue what it would look like or what condition it would be in. It arrived...
  6. MeaganHH

    Hey Y'all

    Hello from SE Georgia! I am a first time chicken mama. Got my nine chicks home this past Tuesday. I luckily have a good friend that hatched some eggs for me, however, due to an incubator malfunction only 6 of the 15 hatch, and one of the 6 died shortly after hatching with an unabsorbed yolk...
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