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  1. CindyRM

    How important is hardware cloth? Southern CA.

    I'm in Southern CA. I have 7 chickens ready to be kicked out of the brooder. Predators are hawks, racoons, possums, and perhaps rats. Coop is a converted plastic playhouse with an attached floor. Windows are covered with hardware cloth, doors are secure. The girls will be in there all night...
  2. CindyRM

    Cocci? Respiratory issues? Chicks keep getting sick.

    Update! The Cochin absolutely had cocci. 24 hours after Corid she was noticeably better. 48 houses she’s now rolling in the savings and chirping along with the rest. I really should have known that if I was going to let the girls play outside in dirt eating worms and such they should’ve been on...
  3. CindyRM

    Cocci? Respiratory issues? Chicks keep getting sick.

    Oy, these chicks are giving me anxiety. 7 chicks purchased 3/23. No outward signs of illness. In a brooder with correct heating. Eating non-medicated feed, meal worms, grit. Last weekend the EE exhibited signs of respiratory trouble. Wheezing, sneezing, mild lethargy. Treated with nutri-drench...
  4. CindyRM

    Chick making weird noises

    Update! As of Monday morning the sneezing and coughing had stopped. No wheezing so I held off on the meds and just continued the Nutri-drench and salve daily. Im adding Nutri-drench to the water for the rest of the girls every other day. As of today the sneezing is 99% gone! I have Tylan...
  5. CindyRM

    Chick making weird noises

    Update... I don’t think it’s shavings, she’s still sneezing and has a raspy breathing occasionally. She’s eating and drinking and enjoying the frequent scrambled eggs. She is a little lethargic compared to the others. I’m in Ca and can’t get Tylan. I can get Doxy (fish) and that’ll get here...
  6. CindyRM

    Chick making weird noises

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Here we go. The quack noise is at the very end, the wheezing can be heard throughout. Edit to add...I just found out the shavings were from an open bag...
  7. CindyRM

    Chick making weird noises

    Argh.... video is taking forever to process. It sounds like a quack/kazoo. I purchased the chicks from a local farm who gets them from a hatchery. Not sure which one. No runny eyes or bubbly nose. No wetness at all (they use a water nipple). The pine is a little dusty but to me it’s just...
  8. CindyRM

    Chick making weird noises

    Two week old EE just started making this noise. Her breath sounds a bit raspy if I put my ear up to her chest. We’ve had her and the others for a week. Brooder is pine shavings. Heat seems fine. Eating an organic non-medicated feed. Drinking and eating as normal. Treatment?
  9. CindyRM

    I got my chicks! Question about tan EE.

    Yay! I got my chicks last week from MPC. Of course the camera went out the week before they got here. I got 2 EE, one chipmunk and one pretty light tan with the chipmunk striping. Both are the most friendly of the bunch and are now flying up out of the brooder up to me when I...
  10. CindyRM

    T minus 3 days!

    Until my chicks come from MPC!!! Brooder ready? CHECK! Postoffice called? CHECK! Excited? CHECK! 6 babies coming my way!!! DH is off this week too so he'll get to mess with them....even if he claims that he 'hates chickens'.
  11. CindyRM

    Chickens in a dog run...will it work?

    I'm expecting 6 chicks from MPC next week and I want to make sure my plans are going to work. Along the side of my house is a side yard that was previously used a dog run. So one side is the house, the front is a wood fence, the side is a wood fence that seperates us from our neighbor, and the...
  12. CindyRM

    regular vs. organic starter/grower/layer

    I like the idea of feeding my chickens organic but I wanted to know if there is really much of a difference in chicken health or quality of eggs based upon food type. The organic food is only 26 bucks, which is okay, but I'm wondering what I'm getting for that extra $20. I heard that the...
  13. CindyRM

    new and getting chicks next week!

    Hey everyone! I'm getting super excited about my order from MPC. All girlies...I hope! They ship Oct 5th. 1 Buff Orpington 2 easter eggers 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte 1 Gold Laced Wyandotte 1 Barred Rock I'm going through all the great information here. Can't wait for my babies to get here!
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