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  1. TwoDoorCoop


    Hi, yes sorry I misread the original reply... I've looked into it further.. I appreciate the info, I've only had laying hens and Meat Kings and white turkeys before, the more elaborate, fancy breeds I have no experience with at all... I just knew he needed a home and he was beautiful, the rest...
  2. TwoDoorCoop


    Oh thank you! I was looking through the 'check out my rooster' post and there was a Silkie x Frizzle there and that was the closest I'd seen yet, but the colours were totally different... thank you! Now to find him some gal pals...
  3. TwoDoorCoop


    Hello all, I have just adopted a young rooster from a lady who was unable to keep him. She just said "he's mixed" Ohhh, no kidding. haha He's an original alright... I would absolutely love to know what breeds he is... he has black feathers on his feet, blue ears, a dark blue/black comb and...
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