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  1. ragus411

    Hen's leg lame from rooster mounting

    Thank you for the additional information. The internet is a wonderful resource! Best, Erin
  2. ragus411

    Hen's leg lame from rooster mounting

    Eggcessive, Thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my post. I followed your link, which led me to this link about poultry podiatry: It appears she has a slipped tendon and her hock is...
  3. ragus411

    Hen's leg lame from rooster mounting

    Good Morning. We have 15 hens who free-range during the day and receive organic layer pellets for food. We believe our two-year-old Ameraucana hen's left leg was injured from mating. Before our rooster came she (Checkers) was very healthy. A few months after our rooster arrived, she started...
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