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  1. Cstratt2

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    My 5 week old Buff Orpington, I am concerned she might be a he but may be to early to tell. Has the pinkies comb and slightly biggest comb. Got 15 chicks that are all suppose to be "pullets". Any thoughts?
  2. Cstratt2

    Can someone help me understand hackle feathers and saddle feathers??

    Definitely a roo! This is my Buffy. He is about 4/5 months old
  3. Cstratt2

    Not Sure If You've Got A Pullet Or Cockerel? Click Here! Thread 2

    Pretty sure my buffy is a cockerel and not sure on the breed, but my white one is a hen? about 4 months
  4. Cstratt2

    Help sexing my Buff Orpington? Thinking my "hen" may be a roo...

    Thank you so much! I am new to raising chickens, I have an Australorp roo as well who is 8 months old and I'm hoping they will get a long. they both are pretty gentle and and have been getting along fine so far
  5. Cstratt2

    Help sexing my Buff Orpington? Thinking my "hen" may be a roo...

    About 4 months old, Buff Orpington, roo or hen?
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