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  1. McRaeEggers

    6 Week Old Chicks What and Who Am I?

    They were not sold sexed, and i was assured that i could return the cockerels. All in all it has been a great experience for the kids and the adults too! Hopefully they will want to give it another go haha
  2. McRaeEggers

    6 Week Old Chicks What and Who Am I?

    Here are our 6 week old chicks (not so little anymore)! They could be Americaunas, Rhode Island Reds or Wyandote....any thoughts fellow experienced BYC friends? Also the kids are already shedding tears over "I swear Mom, mine is for sure a rooster!" (we sadly cannot keep roosters I have read...
  3. McRaeEggers

    McRaeEggers begin adventure

    We thought it would be a great idea to get out 4 kids (13,11,9&6) chicks for Christmas. It's a hit so far!! Even the 6 year old helps clean up poop, which I consider a parenting score
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