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  1. persimmonchick


    Sorry for your loss. At least she doesn't have to suffer any longer.
  2. persimmonchick

    Coop and Run Finished

    Southern Indiana. We get all the seasons but none are usually that extreme.
  3. persimmonchick

    Coop and Run Finished

    I have nine week old girls. Barred Rock, Welsummer, Buff, RIR, Araucana, Gold Laced Wyandotte, Silver Laced Wyandotte, and Australorp. I've never had chickens before but it's been a lot of fun so far. The kids love them. Here are pictures of what the inside looks like. I used rubber...
  4. persimmonchick

    Coop and Run Finished

    Pictures for anyone who may need some ideas. Coop is 5 X 6 and the run is 14 X 16.
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