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  1. katiebokbok

    runt gosling can't keep up with the others, developmental delay

    Thank you for the encouragement! I've got a liquid multi-supplement I've been giving her since the symptoms started. 💚💚💚
  2. katiebokbok

    runt gosling can't keep up with the others, developmental delay

    Thank you so much for your concern and care. I am giving her niacin(plus E and A, etc...) liquid supplement directly with molasses, so fingers crossed. It is potentially a neurological and/or intestinal congenital disease as she is having difficulty keeping up developmentally. This is what can...
  3. katiebokbok

    runt gosling can't keep up with the others, developmental delay

    She turned 6 weeks yesterday. Little Midge started showing signs of delay in development some days back, falling behind her fellow goslings. She soon became unstable on her feet. This led to full blown instability and near complete loss of balance. Sometimes even ending stuck on her back. We...
  4. katiebokbok

    Skin balloon, tag, growth

    Here's an update on the gosling. The spot has dried up, but has yet to fall off. He is such a good boy, he lets me hold him on my lap and check the spot regularly. Thanks to you all for your help.
  5. katiebokbok

    Skin balloon, tag, growth

    Yes, it is! I have never thought once about a goose having a belly button, where the umbilical cord once was.
  6. katiebokbok

    Skin balloon, tag, growth

    So sorry, he is just 2 weeks old.
  7. katiebokbok

    Skin balloon, tag, growth

    I just noticed this on my 2 week old gander gosling. The hatchery said that it's just a growth. It's crusty at the base, they said to use antibiotic cream if needed. It's on his belly. We are taking him to the vet if and when he needs it removed.
  8. katiebokbok

    skin balloon

    I just noticed one on my gander. The hatchery said that it's just a growth. It's crusty at the base, they said to use antibiotic cream if needed. It's on his belly. We are taking him to the vet if and when he needs it removed.
  9. katiebokbok

    Comment by 'katiebokbok' in article 'Durham North Carolina Chicken Ordinance'

    What about other fowl? I have a family member that wants turkeys. Does this ordinance apply?
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