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  1. WindhamChick

    Windhamchicks Member Page

    Welcome to my BYC homepage We have a small farm on the East End of Long Island, with 2 horses, 1 pony, a couple of cats, a couple fish and a boxer named Sasha. Decided to get chickens out of nowhere, it started as a joke more than anything. But give me anything I don't know much about and I...
  2. WindhamChick

    Happy 1 Week Birthday ladies!! **Pic Heavy**

    So adorable. I love that fluffy cream one in the second to last pic!!!! And my Eloise is exactly the same as your favorite - wants nothing to do with me, its like they know they can get away with acting snooty! And I knew they grew up fast but this is ridiculous, every time I look at them I...
  3. WindhamChick

    Has Anyone Gotten Chicks from MPC Yet This Year?

    I got 8 from MPC 6 days ago and all are doing perfectly.
  4. WindhamChick

    Update.. My Wallet

    That is absolutely fabulous!
  5. WindhamChick

    My 1st chicks of 2010 hatched Wed and Thursday! (pic heavy!)

    They're adorable! I love the one in the second to last pic - looks quite sassy!
  6. WindhamChick

    My first chicks are here! with pics

    Quote: Thanks, she's definitely my favorite! My bf says I'm mean to pick favorites, since they're my babies...but whatever, she's adorable and super curious and brave. And I can't remember who it is, but whoever has "Bob" gave me the idea to stroke her tummy and she totally passed out, so...
  7. WindhamChick

    My first chicks are here! with pics

    Quote: Ha yeah, I am not the most patient of people - My thinking was "this is the soonest they can get here. Done. I will waste away if I have to wait any longer!" So I lucked out. Good Luck with yours! Its almost April. kinda....
  8. WindhamChick

    My first chicks are here! with pics

    Quote: OMG that's crazy! Glad to hear that she's doing better! I wish I could have called in sick today, sometimes working for family has drawbacks. do you have pics of yours??
  9. WindhamChick

    Just about doubled my flock today

    they're beautiful! And who would be able to refuse the little extras????? Not me, that's for sure
  10. WindhamChick

    My chicks' got personality! (pics)

    :love:love they are soooooo adorable!! Congrats
  11. WindhamChick

    My first chicks are here! with pics

    Quote: 8 seems to be a popular number good luck with yours.
  12. WindhamChick

    My first chicks are here! with pics

    Quote: Thanks I got 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Silver laced wyandotts, 2 easter eggers, and 2 barred rocks. You?? Sorry about your little sickie, hopefully she will pull through soon.
  13. WindhamChick

    My first chicks are here! with pics

    So I ordered 8 chicks from MPC to be shipped Feb 16th. After reading so many stories about people losing their chicks I was convinced that they would all be DOA because I was crazy enough to order 8 chicks (the exact number I wanted) to be shipped to cold LI in Feb. So I was kinda dreading it...
  14. WindhamChick

    Today we become chicken farmers!!!

    Hey-congrats and good luck!! My first ones should be here tomorrow
  15. WindhamChick


    from Long Island!
  16. WindhamChick

    Introducing New Fluffy Butts!

    Quote: Ha I was thinking the same thing! Congrats! They're adorable
  17. WindhamChick

    Changing Caption under user name

    Found it - We get this question a lot so I thought I'd post an FAQ about it. Q) What is the phrase under my username: A) This is a user "Title" Q) How do I change / get a new title? A) There are 3 ways to get a new title: 1) Automatically: The forum keeps track of the number of posts...
  18. WindhamChick

    Changing Caption under user name

    Hi - I found the answer to this somewhere yesterday (of course now I can't find it again!) but its changes based on how many posts you have. Somewhere around here is a chart that shows the levels.
  19. WindhamChick

    The new babies!

    So cute! I have "almost there" on repeat in my head while I wait for mine! Two more weeks...
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