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  1. BeepersNChickChick

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Taking day by day. Recently was caring for my rooster who had a leg injury. He’s back to chasing the girls!
  2. BeepersNChickChick

    Injured hock, leg buckles out when rooster walks

    Well, I made a sling for him so he’s not putting pressure on the joint. I made it higher since he’s strong enough to push out and flip himself if his feet touch the ground. I don’t want to keep him in here long term but enough to give rest since he refuses to lay down….rooster always on guard! I...
  3. BeepersNChickChick

    Injured hock, leg buckles out when rooster walks

    He is a pet I’ve had since he hatched. I think it’s a sprain or recent injury since he had no issues prior to wobble. I do notice it’s red around hock area on the leg with injury. No green coloring. He can walk, jump, and even run if allowed but I’ve been quarantining him to limit movement.
  4. BeepersNChickChick

    Injured hock, leg buckles out when rooster walks

    I have a broiler rooster that is indoors. He recently was walking funny and his hock joint was wobbly. I assume he injured it jumping down from furniture. I did limit his movement and gave him some carprofen to help with the pain and any swelling. I’m unable to get to my vet since my only...
  5. BeepersNChickChick

    Chicken pedicures?

    I trim my chickens beaks and nails once in a while if they need it. My rooster used to get overgrown nails and his spur would get too long. He would let me flip him over and literally file his nails while in my lap. I had to watch I didn’t get too close and make them bleed. The beaks I would...
  6. BeepersNChickChick

    HELP! Rooster with swollen wattle and black infection

    UPDATE* Graphic photo! Went to vet and was told black part on waddle is necrotic (dead) tissue. Poor guy had to have it all removed and scraped out. He was such a trooper and sedative helped too! Was put on anti-inflammatory and pain killer. Now have to wait to see if new tissue will grow and...
  7. BeepersNChickChick

    HELP! Rooster with swollen wattle and black infection

    Update. My rooster is getting worse. I now found a grape sized lump under his neck at the top of his injured wattle. I think it is causing restricted blood flow to his wattle. His wattle is getting hard and shriveling up. It is still red in color and very little oozing only when squeezed. I have...
  8. BeepersNChickChick

    When did your chickens begin laying eggs?

    16 weeks for my Cornish (Broilers) hen
  9. BeepersNChickChick

    What do I do with my roosters?

    I never used them but I looked into the no crow collars for my rooster. Based on what I saw on YouTube it seems to make them less quiet. It doesn't look like it gets them to stop crowing but the sound is lower and not as long. Just an observation since I personally haven't used it. Good luck and...
  10. BeepersNChickChick

    HELP! Rooster with swollen wattle and black infection

    No odor. The oozing has stopped but wattle is still enlarged. Almost stiff to touch. Not like before when it was full of liquid. Here is an updated pic. Other than wattle, all other functions and behaviors are back to normal. Do you think he needs a 2nd round of antibiotics? I'm still adding...
  11. BeepersNChickChick

    HELP! Rooster with swollen wattle and black infection

    The first pictures were taken 2 days after incident but the black mark appeared after 5 days. It's now been 13 days. How long does a scab take to heal and swelling to go down?
  12. BeepersNChickChick

    HELP! Rooster with swollen wattle and black infection

    Thanks for your replies. I guess it looks worse then it really is.
  13. BeepersNChickChick

    HELP! Rooster with swollen wattle and black infection

    I have a rooster who recently got in a fight with my dog. The next day his one wattle became red and swollen. He had a slight fever and his wattle was hot to the touch. I gave him antibiotics and some baby aspirin. The fever went away the next day but his wattle got worse. It started turning...
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