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  1. Uhlhomestead

    Duck hatch emergency!! Help!!

    About 2 weeks into our first attempt at letting a broody khaki Campbell hatch a clutch I read that they are NOT reliable moms and now on day 31 I see why. We were down to 1 egg (from the 8we originally gave her). I could tell there was a living duckling inside so I wasn't too worried when we...
  2. Uhlhomestead

    Broody duck - Seperate from the others or no?

    Tomorrow is (by our calculations) hatch day for our first khaki Campbell eggs incubated by a broody hen! She has spent the last couple days seriously fortifying the nest and only comes out for a few minutes at a time a couple times a day. Unfortunately her nosey duck and chicken brothers and...
  3. Uhlhomestead

    Incubation timing question

    My husband and I have been keeping chickens for a little over a year now and we finally had our first broody hen. She disappeared 4 days ago and after searching extensively we assumed she'd been taken by a hawk. Two days later we bought a batch of chicks to replenish our flock and while...
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