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  1. N1Kkerz

    4 week old chick eye problem

    Hello, one of our chicks has a bad eye that is swollen and has been since we got her but now it's cloudy looking. She came with a swollen eye when we got her at 2 days old (it DID NOT look this bad when we got her) and we originally thought she might have coryza and tried to treat with vetRX but...
  2. N1Kkerz

    Finally joined

    Great advice! That's exactly what I have been doing and she seems soo much better. It seems like she is just trying to protect the little one from anyone hurting her.
  3. N1Kkerz

    Finally joined

    Thank you everyone! Happy to be participating. An update on the baby chick, I went out to try and figure out the sex this morning but my brooder was not happy I was looking at them started chasing the baby chick around. I'm thinking now that I might have to separate the chick from the brooder...
  4. N1Kkerz

    Finally joined

    I finally decided to join Backyard Chickens after reading and raising chickens for 4 years. We live in the southwest and currently have 1 Barred Rooster, and 5 hens (barred rock, Rhode Island Red, buff orphington, and 2 semi unknowns). Our 2 semi unknowns, the wild twins as I call them were...
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