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  1. Valair

    Chicken Mites/Lice

    I think you have to be careful with DE dust, not just the hens but humans also. I've made a dust bath for my hens using a old dog bed. Sunk it into the run area and filled with sand, sprinkled some DE powder in the mix for good luck. Enclosed spaces DE powder is dangerous to hens as they...
  2. Valair

    Chicken Mites/Lice

    Thank you for your information ....I think I have won the war now. I used DE dust the pure one, and this week I used another treatment to the coop.....white industrial vinegar diluted into a spray bottle. And treated the ground with diluted bleach...and then rinsed well with the hose. I...
  3. Valair

    Chicken Mites/Lice

    Thanks in Spain our chickens are out all the time, we don't have predators in my part of Spain. The girls put themselves to bed in little coops. Feed is put outside also but bird and other little animals can't get at it as it's a knock knock on command feed that the hens have learnt to...
  4. Valair

    Chicken Mites/Lice

    I hope you can help, I have treated all my ten chickens for mites. One hen had a bad infestation.....but now I have the things on me!!! I'm besides myself. I have dusted all the girls,cleaned the coops and treated the run with rinsed with wat
  5. Valair

    Chicken Mites/Lice

    I hope you can help, I have treated all my ten chickens for mites. One hen had a bad infestation.....but now I have the things on me!!! I'm besides myself. I have dusted all the girls,cleaned the coops and treated the run with rinsed with wat
  6. Valair

    Chicken Mites/Lice

    I hope you can help, I have treated all my ten chickens for mites. One hen had a bad infestation.....but now I have the things on me!!! I'm besides myself. I have dusted all the girls,cleaned the coops and treated the run with rinsed with wat
  7. Valair

    Can you eat the first eggs that a hen lays?

    Thank you....i was so surprised to the little egg, I have no idea which hen laid it. I have two red stars (I think that's what they are) I have one white leghorn? And another bigger hen but about 4 months and she's black white , mottled....all cross breeds I guess. Here in Spain they call them...
  8. Valair

    Can you eat the first eggs that a hen lays?

    I have noticed on my first egg...hoorah! It has white spots on brown that ok?
  9. Valair

    My hen just laid her very first egg, how long do I let her sit on it?

    One of my girls produced my and her first egg today. I don't know which hen it was though. The egg is small and brown. I thought this morning there was a lot going on in the sleeping area, I had put new strain in and one the hens was busy rearranging it. Is there anything special I I should...
  10. Valair

    Comment by 'Valair' in item 'Polish'

    Here in Spain there are many breeds like this, apparently a lot of people here keep this fancy type chickens, I want to eventually get them. First I must learn about keeping chickens. If anyone is interested I will take photos of the breeds I come across
  11. Valair

    New comer

    That is so kind of you, thanks
  12. Valair

    New comer

    Thank you, I'm having as much fun here as I do with my new girls.
  13. Valair

    New comer

    Hello 007 Thank you.
  14. Valair

    Comment by 'Valair' in item 'Star'

    I think this is the type I least I now know what breed. I did think Road island reds. But I like red star, they are my stars for friendly and character.
  15. Valair

    New comer

    Thank you so much Pork pie....lovely name! Yes I was thinking of going to supplier this morning for worming treatment. I only read about it this morning because I can feel my girls breast bone.....I thought they might be losing weight. They eat well and look fine as far as I can see....thanks...
  16. Valair

    New comer

    hello everyone my name is valair, I live in Valencia Spain. I am so new to keeping week only....I know less than nothing but learning fast. I bought two chickens, Sarah and Clara....I shall post pics of the coop soon. At the moment I'm getting to know my chickens, they are...
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