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  1. C

    What did my chicken poop out?!

    What in the actual heck is this?! One of our hens just pooped it out. She's strictly on store bought feed - no free ranging (she's blind and stays indoors). It's hard as a rock...and reminds me of an ovary and fallopian tube.
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  3. C

    Turkey poult with leaking vent

    I just wanted to update. I soaked the poult for a few seconds to remove any dried stool. I then dried it off with a hairdryer on medium heat, held a preparation H wipe on its vent for about 30 seconds, and sprayed with Vectericyn Plus spray. I also added Apple cider vinegar (1/2 Tbsp) and brown...
  4. C

    HELP!! Turkey poult with leaking vent!

    The umbilical cord was dried out, but was being kept moist by the vent disharge. I soaked the poult for about 30 seconds in warm water yesterday to loosen any dried stool, dried it with a hair dryer (medium heat), applied the prep H wipe, then sprayed with vectericyn spray. By yesterday evening...
  5. C

    HELP!! Turkey poult with leaking vent!

    Thank you! I'll make something up. I have added some sugar to their water. I also read on another thread that people use preparation H on chicks, so I dabbed it with a PrepH wipe (witch hazel). I also applied some Vetericyn Plus (states "vent prolapse" on the label), and finished off with some...
  6. C

    HELP!! Turkey poult with leaking vent!

    I just picked up 4 Royal Palm turkey poults today - I'm not sure of age...young because they still have their egg teeth, but some have larger wing feathers. One of the poults is wet on the underside. Eating and drinking fine. Acting like all the others. Upon inspection, it looks like it's vent...
  7. C

    Turkey poult with leaking vent

    I just picked up 4 Royal Palm turkey poults today - I'm not sure of age...young because they still have their egg teeth, but some have larger wing feathers. One of the poults is wet on the underside. Eating and drinking fine. Acting like all the others. Upon inspection, it looks like it's vent...
  8. C

    Purple swollen wattles and ear lobe in 2 year old hen (no cold temps)

    I did, just in case I can get lucky with shipping, but it shouldn't be much quicker to arrive.
  9. C

    Purple swollen wattles and ear lobe in 2 year old hen (no cold temps)

    Just left Tractor Supply and they won't get another shipment of Tylan 50 in until midweek next week (7 days). None of our other local feed and seeds carry it or anything similar. Is there anything I can use in the meantime? Extra ACV? Any homeopathic treatments? Or just let her body fight it...
  10. C

    Purple swollen wattles and ear lobe in 2 year old hen (no cold temps)

    They free range over 14 acres, so she could have been bitten by a number of things, but I didn't see any bite marks. I'm going to check her over better in the morning when I have an extra set of hands. I'll also look in her ear (what should I look for, and will it change treatment if I find...
  11. C

    Hey yall! From good ol South Carolina

    1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? -no :) My husband and I got our first chickens as a married couple 10 years ago, but he has raised them his entire life (2) How many chickens do you have right now? -11 chickens & 2 guineas (3) What breeds do you have? -Rhode...
  12. C

    Purple swollen wattles and ear lobe in 2 year old hen (no cold temps)

    I have a 2 year old Rhode Island Red hen that has had purple/gray swollen wattles and left ear lobe for the past couple of days (discoloration is throughout the wattle, and under the beak - accompanied by heat. Flash from camera doesn't show true color ). We live in South Carolina, so no...
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