Search results for query: *

  1. L

    To Worm or Not To Worm?

    Maybe a weird question.... I don't believe mine have worms, no dirty eggs (other than from one nesting box where one misbehaving hen ALWAYS sits and poops) but I am SUPER paranoid about worms. Worms are a bizarre phobia of mine, lol. I do feed them pumpkin sometimes for this reason because I...
  2. L

    Favorite Breed? Help!

    Hey y'all... I am looking to add to my flock. What are your favorite breeds? The last time I bought chickens, I went to Atwoods and grabbed 5 cute chicks I wanted, which ended up being bantams that I LOVE. I am thinking I would like some Easter Eggers, Silkies and Buff Orpingtons..... Gimme your...
  3. L

    Intro :)

    Hey y'all... super excited to be here! I am a 32 y/o RN from Oklahoma.... obsessed with my little family, and my chickens! I have a flock that we basically "adopted" from someone who could no longer care for them, there are 11 hens made up of mostly RIR's and a RIR Rooster, who we've...
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