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  1. EverythingButTheSink

    Integrating a Tom in my Flock?

    My friend is moving and giving me her Bourbon Red Tom (He is a few years old). I currently have 9 chickens and 4 ducks who range from 5 to 9 weeks old. How should I go about integrating a Tom into my flock? Also, I would be interested in getting some hens for him, at what age can I introduce...
  2. EverythingButTheSink

    Sprouting Grains Blog

    Check out my article on Sprouting Grains! Any insight or additional knowledge from people that have tried other grains than wheat? Anyone have their own set up they'd like to share?
  3. EverythingButTheSink

    Extension Agent learning alongside you :)

    I am an Extension Agent with the University of Florida (Go Gators!) working in Jacksonville, FL. I currently teach a backyard poultry seminar twice a month as Jacksonville requires the course in order for residents to keep chickens. I also own a farm and have 9 chickens and two ducks with more...
  4. EverythingButTheSink

    Molting? When and How long?

    Is molting based on age or season, or a combination of both? How long does it last on average?
  5. EverythingButTheSink

    Breeding Ayam Cemani to various hens/roosters?

    Okay, okay, okay I know I am going against every poultry breeder's hard work but I am just curious at how dominant the black coloring of the ayam cemani genes are? If my roosters of various breeds, breed with a cemani hen, what are the chances of the chicks keeping their black color? Or if a...
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