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  1. AngryMidget271

    All Gone...

    Those masked turds are nasty. Corner them and they’ll bark like a dog. No shit. Possums are no better either lol
  2. AngryMidget271

    Odd eggs

    Nah, as long as what you’re feeding them doesn’t look like what they’re spitting out daily
  3. AngryMidget271

    All Gone...

    Hahahahaha you nailed it. It’s holding up so far...
  4. AngryMidget271

    Ordinance Violation

    That would be great in theory hahahahaha
  5. AngryMidget271

    Ordinance Violation

    Wellllll you got caught. Here’s how it works...draft a letter about how you’re a responsible owner and have your neighbors in mind. You’re a responsible bird steward, clean the coop weekly, no roosters, no noise, no smell, bird flu is bullshit yada yada...Then do this (it works), email that...
  6. AngryMidget271

    These birds are easy

    These birds are easy
  7. AngryMidget271

    All Gone...

    Agreed, Trux. Nighttime=predators. Here’s what I have...roofing tiles and exterior paint applied too prevent weathering and rot (which is inevitable). Exterior slide locks and inside coop has a slide door. Backyard has a privacy fence, but I know those critters get in. A barking dog doesn’t...
  8. AngryMidget271

    Odd eggs

    I’d say diet is the culprit. Calcium stat! Oyster shell or dairy products. You can even take the odd eggs (shells and all), mash them up and feed ‘em back to the birds.
  9. AngryMidget271

    Space and egg production

    Just under 7 months, Rhode Island Reds
  10. AngryMidget271

    Space and egg production

    Sorry, I’ll post on another thread next time. We’ve checked the yard, not to many places to hide one. The only time we found one outside the coop, in between the coop and house
  11. AngryMidget271

    Reporter seeking to interview people with "surprise roosters"

    Thanks BB. Anywhere outside my city it’s no problem, this county has a large agricultural/ranching and ocean sport fishing presence. But the standard residential lots within are 80x125 with zero lot lines...tight fit. Will take some major convincing and responsible only takes one...
  12. AngryMidget271

    Reporter seeking to interview people with "surprise roosters"

    Where I live chickens aren’t allowed...but I’ve got them anyway. Did my homework on the best breed to fit my location...neighbors don’t mind since I’ve been a good steward. The city has been flirting with allowing chickens for a few years, but the Council is afraid of Bird Flu . Really the...
  13. AngryMidget271

    Space and egg production

    I originally bought a coop with a built in run designed for 6-8 hens, but as I’ve mentioned before the fin count was 11. They’ve been laying eggs now for about 1.5 months now. I suspect at least 2 or 3 have not started yet. They roam the yard, so no issue there. As far as the coop, it has 3...
  14. AngryMidget271

    Doing good so far...

    Agreed, we’re getting oyster shells for them starting next week.
  15. AngryMidget271

    Doing good so far...

    Sweet, thanks
  16. AngryMidget271

    Doing good so far...

  17. AngryMidget271

    Doing good so far...

    Know that feeling. Can cut the humidity with a knife
  18. AngryMidget271

    Doing good so far...

    Down under? Wow, awesome!
  19. AngryMidget271

    Doing good so far...

    Hey everyone, My wife and I finally made the jump last October after months of reading. Received an order of ten chicks (Tractor Supply sent 12 just in case). Fast forward to now, we have 11 healthy Rhode Island Red hens (amazingly no roosters) who started laying eggs like a champ a little...
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