All Gone...

So sorry for your losses! Many of us have learned the hard way, and coop upgrades are necessary.
Hardware cloth, very well secured, with 2"x4" woven wire on top, and boards screwed in over it all. A dig-proof foundation. Electric fencing if possible.
Live trap and shoot those raccoons, because they will return, with more family members. Don't trap unless you can kill them!
All the best with your coop and new chicks!
AHHHH a TSC special, lol. I have one of those and I use it for a grow out and breeder coop. I have used it pretty much non-stop since I got it, but when the lull comes it is getting reinforcement in areas where the hardware cloth is attached, and about a 3 or 4 inch board around the bottom to keep the litter in the pen, the little ones get pretty wild and scratch the shavings right out of the pen. I am also going to change out those slide locks for ones I can put a small clip through, just to be on the safe side. I also took a small piece of rod and made a lock for the inside slider, just lay it in the track so it cant be pulled open by little paws
Hahahahaha you nailed it. It’s holding up so far...
where you seam that hardware cloth...use hog rings to stitch the seam and overlap it 1 or 2 squares. They make different sizes of hog rings so not sure what your using as far as hardware cloth but normally peeps use 1/2 inch. Even better if you can use a 2x4 to cover the seam and screw or fence staple it to the 2x4
Hmm. I was using a heavy gauge wire to make the seam. I’m not sure what hog rings are, but I will find out and get some. I am getting a new roof on the whole thing and will fasten the hardware to that, if I can. Thank you for all the good advice and support
You know, I always thought those raccoons were cute little masked critters that we should leave alone and let be. I never considered hurting an animal before. Now... I’m goofing to trap those suckers and if I can’t shoot them, my son in law will. He’s always trapping them in his attic and shooting them
Just be careful about coons. They can, and they will, attack humans if they feel trapped or if a human tries to take what they consider food away from them.

Had a game warden years back tell the press that there was no risk to humans from the pack of raccoons living in the city, with a huge male among them... because raccoons would never attack or fight a human.

He changed his story from the hospital, after he tried to take a cat away from that big male, who was eating it alive.
Hmm. I was using a heavy gauge wire to make the seam. I’m not sure what hog rings are, but I will find out and get some. I am getting a new roof on the whole thing and will fasten the hardware to that, if I can. Thank you for all the good advice and support
whatever works for you best, but I would still overlap it that way it is harder to separate it. Also if you want to use wire, your local hardware store should have a roll of annealed wire which is much easier to work with and will do The job just fine it is easy to twist tight.
You know, I always thought those raccoons were cute little masked critters that we should leave alone and let be. I never considered hurting an animal before. Now... I’m goofing to trap those suckers and if I can’t shoot them, my son in law will. He’s always trapping them in his attic and shooting them
Those masked turds are nasty. Corner them and they’ll bark like a dog. No shit. Possums are no better either lol
Raccoons and possums must be relatives they are hideous predators, some carry rabies.
Raccoons yes possums no, and possums actually eat alot of ticks, bugs, mice and other things you don't want around your yard. If you lock up your birds at night securely possums aren't a problem. Coons on the other hand are

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