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  1. HappyFeetHens

    Reevaluating Boer/Meat Goat Feed - HELP!

    Thanks! I’m going to have a fecal done ASAP and see if my vet has a recommendation for a wormer if the fecal shows it wasn’t very effective. I’ll also check her again for lice. Thanks again for the help!
  2. HappyFeetHens

    Reevaluating Boer/Meat Goat Feed - HELP!

    Res, I’m honestly not sure what dewormer as my uncle bought it... Parasites might be a possibility. I will deworm again! She is due to be dewormed soon anyway. She does graze. Thanks so much! Cassie, it is definitely possible she’s just not a great doe. I understand that. But she does come from...
  3. HappyFeetHens

    Reevaluating Boer/Meat Goat Feed - HELP!

    One of my Boer does is a yearling (born November 2018) and she’s just so small for her age. She’s a normal height, very long body and nicely built, and at fair, we were told she was built very well, with a nice long body and neck, but simple too small. She has no depth, little width, and I just...
  4. HappyFeetHens

    Winter Watering Tip!

    Correct, it’s a smaller, sealed container inside the larger water reservoir. And I suppose if it’s because of the lower freezing point, it helps to exchange heat with the water surrounding it? Not sure how it works but it has for me!
  5. HappyFeetHens

    Winter Watering Tip!

    Not sure how many people already know of this, but last winter (and now) we’ve been having great success with preventing ice with a small container of salt water inside our waterers! Depending on the size of the container you might use bigger or smaller. For our hens we use little spice jars...
  6. HappyFeetHens

    Kalmbach Feeds

    I use it with my hens (I only have 3 left and it’s quite cold so laying is not reliable) and they seem to be doing well! Two have molted while on it and soon after eggs have been great! They seem very happy with it and actually more feed efficient — they eat significantly less on this than...
  7. HappyFeetHens

    HELP! Skittish Show Goat/Regaining Trust

    Thank you all so much! I can’t wait to keep trying and use some of these tips and I will try to find some horse treats soon! I did buy a martingale collar which I think will help me to catch her and lead her easier than with the halter since they have a huge pen and she just runs! But we got the...
  8. HappyFeetHens

    HELP! Skittish Show Goat/Regaining Trust

    Thanks! Good to know. I figured I would need that relationship to get her back to walking how she was before but works just as well for me. It takes A LOT to get a halter on her... I mean cornering her and having another person keep her there. Any tips on getting her to be more willing and...
  9. HappyFeetHens

    HELP! Skittish Show Goat/Regaining Trust

    Makes me sad that she doesn’t love me like she did before because look at how cute she is! Also gives you a bit of an idea on size/age if that matters. She’s about 6 months old and I would estimate she weighs around 55 lbs? Not for sure, she hasn’t been weighed since we got her. She weighed 45...
  10. HappyFeetHens

    HELP! Skittish Show Goat/Regaining Trust

    This year I’m showing a boer meat breeding doe at my county fair. When we first bought her, she loved me. I has her to wear I could skip a halter on no problem and walk her without any big issues, just training her to stay where she needs to be and such. She was super sweet, was cuddly and...
  11. HappyFeetHens

    Hen Eating Other Eggs But Not Her Own?

    One of my hens is laying pretty consistently through this crazy bout of weather. Yesterday, I found another egg from her (can tell by the color; she’s a leghorn and my others are RIRs) and then I found two broken egg shells in the other next box. They were completely crushed but not much liquid...
  12. HappyFeetHens

    Hen Losing Weight While Molting?

    I finally got the door open (accidentally broke the lock :barnie) and I was able to bring her in with some water and feed. She is eating and drinking normally now and has perked up quite a bit just in the 15 minutes since I got her out. But I’m still concerned about her tiny size as well as...
  13. HappyFeetHens

    Hen Losing Weight While Molting?

    So last night it snowed and the temperatures are very low... the only door not frozen shut for the coop is where I feed and water, which is up high where the nest boxes are. The run doors are frozen shut. Unfortunately, that means I can’t get to her. She wouldn’t come up to the upper part of the...
  14. HappyFeetHens

    Chick with a broken joint (help)

    If you can get any pictures, I may be able to help. I have a hen who hatched with deformed legs (not sure how to describe) but I was able to correct them and she’s fine now. Are the toes curled or legs sort of broken inwards beneath her, toward each other? If so, that was the issue with mine...
  15. HappyFeetHens

    Hen Losing Weight While Molting?

    I have a 2-3 year old RIR hen who is definitely molting, but she seems to have been losing weight recently. Another hen is molting too, but the one I’m concerned about is considerably smaller. I’m thinking she may have been losing weight prior to the molt, but when you see them every day it’s...
  16. HappyFeetHens

    2 year old hens rarely lay

    It has actually been going on since the early summer. They have molted from what I can tell, not all at once, but you can see the replenished color in the legs and the feathers have grown back. I will say that sure, one or two could be. But I think the problem is deeper, based on how long we...
  17. HappyFeetHens

    2 year old hens rarely lay

    I have 4 RIR hens who are all about 2 years old (I also have one leghorn who is about nine months, but she lays consistently). I only get 2 eggs a day (usually) from the RIRs and I’m not sure why. I have tried a few things. I’ve been supplementing with higher protein chick feed, but it hasn’t...
  18. HappyFeetHens

    Rooster losing feathers, black spots on comb

    Thank you so much! I would guess that since the other hens are standard size, they may have been injuring him. One does antagonize him occasionally. Thanks again!
  19. HappyFeetHens

    Rooster losing feathers, black spots on comb

    I don’t have any pictures right now, but I’m really worried about my Mille Fleur rooster. He has small black specks on his comb and has been losing feathers like crazy. At first, the feather loss was a couple here and there, but now he’s really lost a lot. His tail is very small now. He’s...
  20. HappyFeetHens

    Egg Eaters - Filling Blown Eggs?

    Thank you all! Our current feed is about 18% protein I believe, and I do want to increase it on our next bag and/or use supplements of some kind. We give free choice for the oyster shell, but it seems like the RIRs rarely eat it. Could I mix it with something to encourage them to eat it?
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