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  1. P

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hi all, yes, it's been a hot minute - life is so busy I don't check the forums often. But, just popping in to share that we still have lots of chickens, lots of eggs and lots of fun! They keep us moving for sure. Actually, we've blocked out some time tomorrow to clean some chicken butts -...
  2. P

    Hen laying fairy eggs....

    Yikes, will be on the lookout for a lash egg, we've never had one in the 5-6 years of raising chickens, and this is the first fairy egg layer we've had, ha ha! She's the only one we've had to train to lay in the box as well, everyone else just kind of knew, she laid wherever she felt like it...
  3. P

    Hen laying fairy eggs....

    I don't have any photos, I'll try and get one tonight if she lays one today. There is nothing but albumen in them. She's healthy, happy and chatty so as I suspected I think this is just the way she's going to be. Kinda bummed as she was hoped to be high production to fill in for a couple...
  4. P

    Hen laying fairy eggs....

    I have a golden comet who has just turned 1. From the start of her egg laying she has only laid fairy eggs and still does almost daily. Will this ever change? Is it a problem with her reproductive system? Is there anything I can do to change this? They are definitely fairy eggs, just white...
  5. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thanks, that's kinda what I thought, I really don't want him to end up as soup. :( I just don't want to get bashed on FB for asking for a small fee. Maybe I won't list a fee at all and just ask if/when someone messages me.
  6. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Morning, wanted to get some input on an overasked question I'm sure. We got a roo in our spring order of pullets. I'm going to list on FB this weekend to rehome him but what are the expectations when listing a roo? Can I ask for $ or should I just let him go? He's a green queen so beautiful...
  7. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Yeah, we thought about something like this but want to attached right to the coop with a metal bracket to hang from. We'll have to build some sort of roof over it I guess. Still worry about rain blowing in sideways but I suppose that wouldn't happen often, if at all. In the winter they would...
  8. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Another question if you happen to be checking - we are going to make two of these pails, but they will be outside hanging....are yours outside? Worried about rain going in thru the elbows and getting the feed wet.....
  9. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I'll check 'em out!!!! We will WIN this battle! :)
  10. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thanks for the video and for the advice, I think we'll try this one. We do use one for watering with nipples but also have one outside of the run that is the old fashioned kind, told the hubby last night we have to replace that one with the nipple waterer too because now that the "rats" know we...
  11. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    So that's kind of a good idea but I can't picture it - you mean the elbow is at the bottom so the chicken can eat out of it? Can't the squirrels still climb around on it (I've seen those funky videos of them climbing all over bird feeders)?
  12. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Not a cat fan and don't feel good about leaving one outside all winter (def. not inside). Will probably have to look into feed on demand...not sure how that will work but will read up on it. Hubby got 4 chipmunks last night and a squirrel but there's at least one more squirrel that is pretty...
  13. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Anyone have any tips regarding squirrels/chipmunks and chicken feed? We have a trough built out of schedule 40 pipe attached to the side of the coop with a little roof and it's worked wonderfully for 2 years. Well, until now....stupid squirrels and chipmunks have found it. Not sure why it was...
  14. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Yep, we certainly can...we give them a little corn (I mean little) every night before they go in, I can start mixing peanuts and seeds in with it like I do when they molt. But whoever this picker is, seems to pick no matter the time of year. I think she's just a bit**, lol. And never thought...
  15. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thanks Gramma - she's a buff and was a fantastic layer up until probably about a month or two ago when we noticed the pale comb. We've checked her and the rest of the crowd and find no parasites (at least visible ones), her vent isn't super pink but not completely pale either. Yes, they get...
  16. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Hi guys, gotta question for you - Is it normal to get around 9 eggs per day from 20 chickens? I feel like that's low but doing some searching online and getting all different answers. 12 of those chickens are 2 years old, the rest are a year old. We have a pretty good egg business and can't...
  17. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    We already do that - and will always continue to do so. I believe it really does help! We've had no health problems so far, knock on wood!
  18. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    It's totally ok, and thanks. If you want, send me a pm and tell me what you have and where you are. I'm pretty sure the hubs wants to wait til next spring now but you never know.
  19. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thanks Gramma - it's reassuring to hear from many that we did the right thing. Still trying to come to grips with it this morning. Even though we only had them a couple days I was attached. They were our first culls. I'm afraid if something happens with one of our other girls I will be...
  20. P

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Thanks Pyxis, I'm afraid right now if I mention the breeds it would be a giveaway if the people happen to be on this forum (I don't think so but don't want to take the chance). And, I think we're done with looking for adult hens. Only chicks from now on. Ugh, so traumatized.
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