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  1. E.D.GardenFarm

    Possible splayed legs?

    Hey there, We have a poorly chicken at the moment, she's standing strangely it looks like her legs are spread apart, a wide gap between them, but she's still standing and walking, the position she is standing has her tail trailing, very upright. It has gotten bad in the last couple of days...
  2. E.D.GardenFarm

    First time hatching attempt, any advice?

    Hi All, We recently noticed our Aylesbury duck was sitting on eggs and had built herself a little nest. After a while we decided to get some fertile eggs for her to sit on, so we got 4 yesterday (ive been told they are Indian runner and Indian runner/mallard cross, two of each) and went to put...
  3. E.D.GardenFarm

    Missing my duck, just need to get it off my chest :(

    I wasn't sure I was going to write this but I just needed to get it out, I haven't been a part of BYC very long at all but I've seen how kind and sweet everyone is to each other and I feel this is a good place to talk because there are others who will understand. Just over a month ago we lost...
  4. E.D.GardenFarm

    Wart like things on chickens comb, Pictures provided.

    Saw this on the chickens comb today and not sure what to think about it, she's one of a batch of rescue ex-caged hens so condition is not brilliant but we would like to make sure no one gets any worse. She's about 15 months old and we've had her for almost 3 weeks. There is a bit of dried blood...
  5. E.D.GardenFarm

    Chicken all fluffed up, lethargic, won't eat/drink, watery poop. She doesn't seem well, what do I do

    1) What type of bird, age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others? We're not 100% sure as we got her from a rescue group, she is an ex-caged hen, she is about 15 months, I don't know about her weight 2) What is the behavior, exactly? She was staying under a...
  6. E.D.GardenFarm

    Introduction to the site, would love peoples input :)

    Hi All, just a quick introduction to me and our back garden family. My parents would know more than me but I just want to learn more in case they're not around in a time of need. (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We're not new to chickens, we have had a few out the...
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