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  1. P

    Polish rooster croup

    Long story on this rooster was rescued treating for lice I have that covered. Why no matter what I feed him do I not feel his croup? Very frustrating.
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    He has never been in the coop quarantined, I have used all of the above. We just got him
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    I was given a chicken long story. It has mites have treated With seven dust and ivermectin pour on. Will this work to Captain jacks
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    Captain Jack for mites. Yay, or nay?

    Bumping as I need to Know for sure if this is correct for the concentrate It's about 27 ounces concentrate to 101 ounces of water. How much to make a gallon? do you spray the chicken or dap it on?
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    Its feathers have been trimmed friendly, I see this guy as someones pet. I could easily sell him he is a exotic breed. This morning I gave him a bath I’m so leery of strange fowl around my flock. I have way too many chickens I don’t count anymore and 4 turkeys. do you want him?
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    Hello from Indiana!

    I’m just doing what I can to fInd the owner, rooster seems to want to live in the house it ain’t happening here. I have 60+ chickens 4 turkeys and other pets and he is welcome to live in the barn but not the house. He seems like he was well loved.
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    Anyone lose a rooster in New Albany Indiana? One has been hanging around my moms on grantline road this morning it walked/ran lol into her house. My husband went and got it we have in a cage where it can see my flock but not interact. Its crop was flat so it has not eaten in awhile,no mite are...
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    Hello from Indiana!

    Anyone In New Albany Indiana loose a rooster? It walked into my mothers house this morning 😱 I sent my husband to go grab it he brought it home to me in corydon. Its crop was flat,no mites friendly Misses its home. Looks older then a year old maybe 2-3 I have it in a cage. Give me a description...
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    Turkey leg mites, vet treated legs bleeding advice wanted

    I cant get ahold of the Vet today thats why I was asking about his legs bleeding
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    Turkey leg mites, vet treated legs bleeding advice wanted

    Also the water is dirty I know I change it and change it. He stands in it and poops in it. He has fresh water but he isn’t drinking are eating anyway. It was my choice to take him to vet. I would take a dog or cat to a vet so what not our fowl.
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    Turkey leg mites, vet treated legs bleeding advice wanted

    I have been using silver shield to wash the legs. Been syringeIng electrolytes, and giving sulfur antibiotic the vet gave me. I have had chickens for years this is the first time I have dealt with mites and RI. I will pick up some blue Kote tomorrow. I will run outside see if he will let me get...
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    Turkey leg mites, vet treated legs bleeding advice wanted

    Took the new tom to vet she treated him for leg mites. Now he is pecking his legs till they bleed and advice on how t9 deal with this?
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    Comment by 'Pepperdog' in article 'Mites & Lice Treatment And Prevention'

    I treated a new turkey for legs mites well the vet did. Now the leg is bleeding is this normal?
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    What is this on my toms cheek

    prescription only correct? Any alternatives?
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    What is this on my toms cheek

    He starting to keep the eye closed on that side.
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    What is this on my toms cheek

    Thank you
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    What is this on my toms cheek

    Not his ear closer to his beak, it’s whitish
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    What is this on my toms cheek

    I have him on tetracycline. No idea what it is I have searched and searched. I circled the spot.
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    Turkey poults

    i have had poultry for years this is my firet time with poults. They are showing the oddest behavior..when i let them out of the brooder to play( they are about 2-3 weeks) one of them will dance then put a wing over the back of the other poult then lay down in front of the other poult what are...
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