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  1. C

    Review by 'Chickengene' in article 'What Happens When Chickens Molt?'

    Great read. So thankful all my birds are slow molter's. I have never noticed any of them looking bare. I had one I thought was molting. Looked scary. Then I found out it was from sexual abuse by my neighbor's duck. Shortly after foxes got him Ruby started looking like herself again.
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    Oops! Sorry, I am new to this area. I only just moved here in 1989. So I don't know where I It's actually called "Five Rivers area"... Dumb @#$
  3. C

    How to feed my chickens on a budget? Issues with roosters?

    Are you not in a place that you can free range at all. I use All Flock now that my pullets are over ten weeks. Actually I mixed what was left with my new bag of AllFlock. All flock costs me about $17.00 a fifty pound bag. My ten girls and one rooster used to eat about five six pounds a week...
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    I just found out unexpectedly that I am NOT going to be rehoming any chickens. Three or four of the ones I want to re-home are apparently off limits, and all previous contracts, deals, and or treaties are null and void. I knew my wife tends to make a pet of every animal she comes into contact...
  5. C

    That ain't right

    I thought chickens pretty much grazed all the time. They waste alot of good freerange time bugging me at the door...
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    That ain't right

    Apparently my wife and I have taken this whole bonding with the hens a step to far. Recently, say the last five or six days, I have been extra busy with indoor chores, and not getting outside till around maybe 9:am or so. Apparently some of my girls don't like that, and have decided to remind me...
  7. C

    What are your favorite treats

    My flock has figured out their own snacks. I give them pretty much all the food scraps and a large comercial snack block. But they really seem to prefer fresh " pick your own" garden vegetables. Especially tomatoes, squash and cantaloupe.
  8. C

    Review by 'Chickengene' in article 'How To Tame Chickens from the Start'

    I enjoyed the article. Lots of good info. I was thinking though how fortunate I was to have tamed all my birds just by the fact I am in the yard with them most of the day every day. But I am noticing it is a two edged sword. On one hand it feels sweet that they like following me around. But when...
  9. C

    How Necessary is a Ramp? Any Alternatives?

    I guess I should have spent some time looking at y'all's chicken coops. I don't remember noticing that small door. My coop is 21" off the ground but has a 54" wide by 60" h door. I had a ramp because someone said my bigger girls should have one. So far none of the chickens use it.
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    How Necessary is a Ramp? Any Alternatives?

    Lol... I thought maybe it was spring loaded or something. Looks like just a little opening, or just a little door. Guess that explains the need for a ramp etc. Mine have a 48" by 60" door so they don't use a ramp.
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    How Necessary is a Ramp? Any Alternatives?

    What is a"pop door"? And what is it's purpose?
  12. C


    Knoxville and I have a silver wyandWyana RIR an EE and two pullets and a cockeral that I dismenber what mix they are. Two are black with iridescent blue and green. The other is charcoal black.
  13. C

    Biggish coop, few birds, will it stay warm enough?

    Good to know. Guess I better go back to investigating.
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    Biggish coop, few birds, will it stay warm enough?

    Can't you sprinkle DE over the straw in the coop to eliminate or reduce mites?
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    East TN. Nolichuckie, French Broad and Pigeo rivers.
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    Anyone on here from the Three Rivers area of E.TN? May be looking to re-home some chickens shortly.
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    I just realized, with my fully varied flock, I am now a full blown chicken wrangler.

    I just realized, with my fully varied flock, I am now a full blown chicken wrangler.
  18. C

    Rodger the rooster is a mess

    Well Rodger got another attaboy tonight. I got tied up with a long distance phone call from long lost friends, and didn't close up the coop. As I went out to close it up in the dark, Rodger dove off the roost to challenge mr at the door. Soon as I turned my light on and he realized it was me he...
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    Rodger the rooster is a mess

    Yes he is still young, 26 weeks less I dismenber.
  20. C

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    Two itty bitty teeny tiny ones.
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