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  1. Chick n Coop

    Cracked beak

    Whitey my Brahma mix's beak is cracked. I noticed when I let him out of the Coop this afternoon. He is eating and drinking and didn't Seam to fuss. It is fresh and still a little bloody, raised up a bit. Should I let it be? Suggestions?
  2. Chick n Coop

    New Flock Mom!

    Congrats! You'll love them and their unique personalities!
  3. Chick n Coop


    I was googling symptoms of egg bound hens and illnesses My Easter egger had a tucked tail and lethargic. We thought at first it might have been heat exhaustion as we live in Florida. Then we thought she might be egg bound. We did a warm epison salt bath, and did some stimulation. Later on that...
  4. Chick n Coop


  5. Chick n Coop


    and I have 6 pullets in one coop, 3 are cocks, 3 are hens. My second coop I have 4 hens :)
  6. Chick n Coop


    5 pullets are araucana, one is a Brahma. Out of the pullets, 3 are hens and the other 3 ( including the Brahma) are chicks. In the big coop, we have one rhode island red, a buff Orpington, ameraucana, and an Easter egger.
  7. Chick n Coop


    Good afternoon! This chick is me, D.J and the Coop is for my husband Cooper. Chick n Coop. We recently adopted 6 chicks 3 months ago, they are doing well! In another coop we have 4 hens. We also have 2 dogs, 2 cats and a duck! Through researching and Google, I found this group and figured...
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