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I was googling symptoms of egg bound hens and illnesses
My Easter egger had a tucked tail and lethargic. We thought at first it might have been heat exhaustion as we live in Florida. Then we thought she might be egg bound. We did a warm epison salt bath, and did some stimulation. Later on that day, we did check to see if we coukd feel an egg, and I couldnt feel anything.

But when she didn't snap back the next day, that was when we noticed the runny green poop. She is eating like a champ and drinking lots. Yesterday she finally had a solid poop and her tail isn't tucked and started scratching again. We are going to keep her quarantined A while longer and keep a close eye on her.

Edit to add, we live on 4 acres and have fresh watering stations all over the place when they free range, and we always keep fresh water in the coops too!
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