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  1. H

    What do we have here?

    That's what I originally thought.
  2. H

    What do we have here?

    It's our neighbor across the thin wooded area on our left - he bought them a little over a week ago and they've started to escape (free range, no coop). He told my husband today that his dogs have actually gotten to a few and that we can keep whatever we may catch. I'm unsure about it now...
  3. H

    Let's see repurposed coops/nesting boxes

    Just have to say I'm over the moon with all the coops and creativity I've seen! We're building our coop out of 4 pallets (took bottom boards off to fill some off gaps in top), wood we have left over from deck that we tore down, and old cabinet doors from our kitchen renovation. We're going to...
  4. H

    What do we have here?

    Thanks so much y'all! We actually had another chicken find it's way over yesterday... ... looks the same, but a little more plump. There are at least 2 more in the woods beside/behind our fence! One is white with black speckles (beautiful!). They're a lot more skiddish than the other two, who...
  5. H

    What do we have here?

    Thanks! Does anyone know if that mean anything significant in terms of care or health?
  6. H

    What do we have here?

    Yes, I'll get some close ups when hubs is home to catch and hold her lol
  7. H

    Hello! New chicken mama here!

    Hi, Dobie! Thx for the welcome. Yes, I'm definitely planning to get her some friends in the next couple of days from TSC - praying they're not all gone by then! Please do take a look at my other post - I've been guessing maybe an Australorp, but could I really be so lucky? Lol It seems they're a...
  8. H

    Hello! New chicken mama here!

    Thanks so much, Bluebaby - I just did that!
  9. H

    What do we have here?

    Hi, everyone! This little darling wondered into our backyard a few days ago and I have no idea about anything LOL I apologize if the pics aren't close enough - she wasn't feeling me today. Legs and feet are gray/black. No significant colors on chest, just a little white/graylike everywhere else...
  10. H

    Hello! New chicken mama here!

    Hey y'all! Our family just bought a house outside of Fayetteville, NC and I've been telling my husband I want chickens every since we met - lo and behold, the other day a chick ventured into our backyard from an opening under our fence. So now we're starting a chicken family and I'm super...
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