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  • Users: gtb66
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  1. G

    Broody hen issue

    That makes sense. Will the marked eggs that have not been sat on for half a day still be viable? Should I leave them in the nest or pull them?
  2. G

    Broody hen issue

    I have a Barred Rock that has gone broody. I marked six eggs for her to sit on, but she leaves the marked eggs and sits on newly layed ones. Is this common or do I have a screwy bird? Last year I isolated the broody hen in a 6’x12’ space under the coop but she didn’t like it and never sat on...
  3. G

    Peahen Eggs

    One of our neighbor’s peahens ran away from home and has joined my chickens. She has been here for over six months now. She has been mated by one of many peacocks at the neighbors and I’m wondering if her eggs are fertile for life of does she need to mate each season? Thanks.
  4. G

    My Carolina Coop

    Hoping someone can give me a little guidance. A hen has gone broody in one of the egg hutches and I’m allowing the process to play out. She’s been on them for about five days and I don’t know how many are under her. My question is what do I do when they hatch? North Texas in June seems to be...
  5. G

    My Carolina Coop

    Did you have any specific images you wanted to see?
  6. G

    Companion Alarm Birds?

    I was up this morning and noticed a number of small birds flying near the stand of trees around the coop and a question popped into my head… Is there a bird that is a good alarm against hawks? Example - if Purple Martins are great at keeping hawks away/notifying the chickens, I’d put up a few...
  7. G

    My Carolina Coop

    We use those to clean the poop out of the donkey shed.
  8. G

    Hydrangeas and Chickens

    Thanks for the info
  9. G

    Hydrangeas and Chickens

    I’ve purchased some Hydrangeas to plant in the stand of trees where the chickens free range. I’ve read that Hydrangeas will cause problems. The chickens are well fed with kitchens scraps, access to feed all day and grass/insects while free ranging 8-12 hours a day. My question is WILL they eat...
  10. G

    My Carolina Coop

    Between the tree canopy and the metal roof, very little of either gets through.
  11. G

    My Carolina Coop

    If I had it to do over again, I would move those doors to the outside. It's a bit a pain crawling under the steps.
  12. G

    My Carolina Coop

    That was very generous of you to take the time to draw out plans for the build.
  13. G

    My Carolina Coop

    I didn’t have any plans, I just did what seemed right. I do plan on detailing the build as the others have suggested when I get the time. I literally drew the plans on the back of a piece of wood and started building.
  14. G

    When to mix in new chickens?

    I’m confused.... I have 13 barred rock/Easter eggers (and one EE rooster) that are one year old. I also have 12 BR/EE that are 8 weeks old. They adults have a large coop and free range. The chicks are partitioned off in the large run. The confusion stems from the different messages on when to...
  15. G

    My Carolina Coop

    Done, North Texas
  16. G

    My Carolina Coop

    Yes, that is the coated hardware cloth. I couldn’t find it in stock where I live but the hardware/lumber store in town special ordered it for me. I tried to match the build as closely as I could to CC. I watched so many of their videos over the years and have so much respect for the product (I...
  17. G

    My Carolina Coop

    I’m not real sure because, I built it over nine months or so and never really kept track of it. If I had to guess I’d say around 9-10k. That’s a chunk, but a lot of it was that cutting board material for the bottom and sides of the coop/egg hutches(and I have a lot extra). That was something...
  18. G

    My Carolina Coop

    Last year I contacted Carolina Coops to see if they would sell me plans for their coop. Understandably, they declined. So I decided to build my version of their coop. I still spent way too much money on the coop, but it should outlive me with proper maintenance. The entire structure is 12’ wide...
  19. G

    Breed Compatibility

    Thanks all. We will either go with the two larger birds or find a larger alternative for the Serama.
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