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  1. K

    Vegetable garden/chicken run with Bantams?

    Thank you for your response. Well I'm into building soil up, so the main tiling I will do just once to break hardpan and add organic matter. Then I need chickens to fertilize, keep weeds at bay and turn over compost on top. I can put also tarp for some time before planting to smother weeds...
  2. K

    Vegetable garden/chicken run with Bantams?

    Hey all. I want to fence two runs about 1722 square ft/160 M2 each with fenced 4x8 chicken coop and 215sq ft/20 m2 compost run. In one year chickens will have first run. The second one will be a vegetable garden. One need just to simply rotate vegetables and chickens. I know that standard...
  3. K

    Elevated open front bottomless chicken coop in roof covered compost run area. Need advice.

    We have foxes, for sure. Never saw any minks, but they can be somewhere here. I didn't mention that but I'm going to bury a net, or hardware cloth both in the property fence line and chicken run. In the run I could use aviary mesh 0.63 inches. I also have two cats, and I can also put their...
  4. K

    Elevated open front bottomless chicken coop in roof covered compost run area. Need advice.

    Hi guys. I don't have chickens yet, but will in next year (when I finish my house. Family first, chickens later), and want to have a good plan to start. I live in Poland, zone 6b, temperate climate. Cold winters (sometimes about 0F/-18C, rarely below, but mostly about 23F/-5C), hot summers. I...
  5. K

    Hello good people

    Hi there, greetings from Poland. Im new here, but been following this forum for some time. Came here to get some advices from experienced chickens owners. Good day to you all.
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