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  1. M

    Dying Turkey

    We added ten new chickens approx 15 weeks old to our backyard flock yesterday. We also have 3 turkeys that are 16 weeks old (they’ve been apart of our flock the entire time). One of the turkeys appears to be struggling and looks like it’ll die very soon. Is this probably from introducing the new...
  2. M

    Deep litter method in upstate New York climate

    How often do you clean your coop? Do you simply just turn your little up once a week and add more shavings to it? Do you notice it being too warm in summer or warm enough in winter? We don’t want to insulate our coop so hoping it helps keeps the chicks warm in the winter.
  3. M

    Deep litter method in upstate New York climate

    My husband and I are looking into many different coop plans as we plan to build ours in the next few weeks as we want to move our chicks into it by 6 weeks. We want to use the deep litter method and are looking for advice on this or if anyone in upstate New York climates or northern Vermont area...
  4. M

    New chicken parents 😊 Brooder questions

    Good afternoon everyone! I’m Olivia 😊First off - thank you all so much for the posts / threads we are able to read on this site, it has been SO helpful, before and after we’ve received our new chicks. We found BYC by simple google searches and I love feedback from real people. My husband, Scott...
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